twenty three

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"are you seriously cooking for me right now or are my eyes playing tricks on me?"

"oh shut the hell up and sit your ass on the table, stop making a fuss." bakugou replied as he scrambled some eggs.

"all i'm saying is that you're wifey material, to be honest i didn't really think you could cook." todoroki said as he stared at the blonde cooking.

bakugou rolled his eyes, "only geniuses know how to cook. sorry you can't relate because you're too damn lazy to get up and cook."

"i'm not going to deny that.." todoroki replied, as he looked down at the table.  it had been two weeks since the death of his mother.

he had gone back to his home and since then bakugou would come daily to check up on him. todoroki tried reassuring him everyday that he didn't need to but bakugou was too stubborn to understand.

todoroki wasn't complaining, though. he didn't mind the blonde's company. he felt less alone.

"your sister called me, she asked how you were. i told her you were doing a bit better." bakugou informed the other. "she said to call her when you get the chance."

"alright." todoroki responded, he'd call her later. or at least would try.

"here, you better eat it all. i don't wanna see anything on this plate. not even crumbs. got that?!" bakugou demanded as he set a plate of food down.

there was scrambled eggs, along with bacon, sausages, hash brown, and toast.

"uh soba also would've been okay too." he was joking, he loved everything bakugou cooked. he could've given him a raw egg and he still would've enjoyed it. "thank you but what are you going to eat? don't tell me you're on a diet."

bakugou sat next to him. "i already ate before coming here. hurry up and eat before it gets cold idiot." he scolded as he crossed his arms.

"awe but i don't wanna eat alone, i want you to join me." todoroki pouted, bakugou rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms.

"maybe you should try feeding me?" todoroki playfully suggested.

"if i fed it to you would you eat?"

todoroki was shocked, he never would've guessed bakugou would respond that way.

he didn't answer right away, or he didn't get the chance to. because before he knew it bakugou was already sitting next to him with the plate in his hands, grabbing a spoonful of eggs.

"open your damn mouth before i shove it down your throat."

todoroki complied rather quickly, "how'd you make the eggs so fluffy?"

"if you mix it with water and stir it around it gets that way." the other responded as he fed todoroki another bite.

todoroki ate quietly, it was good but at the same time...he felt intimidated by bakugou being so close to him. it wasn't because he didn't like it, he liked it a bit too much.

having the blonde up so close made him feel nervous, he never realized how bright the blondes eyes were. they were mesmerizing, if you stared too long at them you'd get lost in them.

before he knew it, he raised his hand and started caressing bakugou's cheek. he could feel bakugou immediately tense up at his touch. there was no need for that.

what happened after that was a blur, he didn't know how it happened. all he knew was that bakugou's lips felt so tender and soft. then he felt a sting, no surprise there.

"what the hell are you doing?!" bakugou's yelling brought him back to reality. "i'm leaving. don't forget to call your sister."

were the last words the blonde said before slamming the door after him.

"ouch.." todoroki mumbled to himself as he touched his now red cheek, bakugou sure could hit hard.

"why did you do that todoroki?" he asked himself as he drowned in silence.

why did he kiss bakugou, was something he needed to figure out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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