twenty one

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"i'm telling you kirishima, that piece of shit is ignoring me."

"or he could just be going through something, tried asking him that?"

bakugou thought for a moment, yes was his answer. he had tried several times texting todoroki, he even tried calling him but no one ever picked up the phone.

it had been 2 weeks now since the other started ghosting him. hell, todoroki didn't even read the blonde's texts. it was worrying even for bakugou, especially knowing the kind of idiot todoroki was.

bakugou hoped that todoroki was just in one of his depressive episodes than hurt or caught up in something bad.

he sighed, "i have asked him dumbass. but no response, it's like he disappeared or got eaten by a big giant worm coming out of the ground."

kirishima looked over at his friend, he'd never seen bakugou this worried before. he wasn't even worried when he had told his friend he accidentally sprained his ankle, it made him jealous.

"you seem to really care about that guy, is he special?" he asked, with a slight chuckle.

bakugou's cheeks had a hint of red when asked this, "of course not! if anything i hate this jackass, he's always so annoying and pervy. you have no idea, he's a terrible person."

kirishima knew that was a lie, he knew his friend better than anyone. or so he thought, he never expected bakugou to be the type to catch feelings for a stranger online.

because whether bakugou wanted to admit it or not, he had fallen for todoroki. he could deny it all he wanted, but it was obvious by the way he would talk about the other, and worry.

"whatever, it's none of my business. better for me if he doesn't text back. i finally got rid of a nuisance, i wanna keep it that way." bakugou said as he got up from his seat.

"i'm done drinking my coffee, i'll see you when i feel like it." the blonde said as he waved goodbye to his red haired friend.

kirishima watched him go, soon enough that melancholy feeling he always felt slowly crept in. how he wished he could tell bakugou about his feelings, but he knew deep down inside that it would be a huge mistake.

later that day bakugou laid in his bed contemplating whether or not to call todoroki once more. he thought it'd be pointless, seeing as his other calls were rejected. still he needed to try at least one more time, he wasn't a quitter. and if todoroki really was avoiding him for the fuck of it he would be sure to make him pay.

sighing and sucking up some courage he dialed todoroki's number. he felt butterflies in his stomach, almost as if he had swallowed some. although, he wasn't sure why he was feeling this way.

"sorry the number you've reached-" as he suspected, no answer.

he hung up immediately but tried one more. no answer again, third times a charm he figured dialing once more.

just as he was about to hang up a female's voice picked up the phone.

"hello? who's this?"

bakugou's eyes widened, he was sure he called the right number. "uh, is this todoroki's phone number?" he awkwardly asked.

"yes it is, are you perhaps a friend? i'm fuyumi, his sister."

bakugou had heard that name before, todoroki had talked about her a couple of times. "this is bakugou, i'm his...friend." it felt weird saying that word.

"i was just calling to check up on him, he hasn't been answering for weeks now and i was starting to worry. is he there by any chance?"

there was silence on the other end, "sorry we're going through a hard time right now. you see our mother...died. it's just been really hard."

bakugou could hear crying on the other end, he didn't exactly know what to say. all he knew was that he needed to be close to todoroki, he wanted to comfort him.

"if you don't mind me asking...what's todoroki's location?" he found himself asking.

𝙽𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚋𝚘𝚛 || 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐔Where stories live. Discover now