twenty two

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"why are you here?" todoroki asked in disbelief, he wasn't sure if he was hallucinating due to lack of sleep or if it was really bakugou standing in front of him.

"you look like shit, but that's to be expected." bakugou replied, as he looked around todoroki's living room.

he was surprised, it was surprisingly clean.

"you haven't answered my question."

bakugou sighed, "your sister gave me your address. she told me what happened and i thought i'd come over and try to make you feel better."

todoroki chuckled. "i thought you didn't care, besides i'd rather be alone. so if you don't mind i'd rather you go, i don't want your presence."

bakugou frowned, he didn't know why todoroki was acting this way. it seemed out of character. "you don't need to be a dick about it, i came all this way for you."

"i didn't ask you to, that was your choice."

"what's up with you? why are you being such a prick?" the blonde responded, in an aggravated tone. "people die all the time y'know, your mom isn't the only one."

todoroki looked up at him, his eyes piercing the other. "what?" bakugou felt intimidated, but at the same time he was mesmerized.

todoroki's eyes were mesmerizing. in fact everything about him was.

bakugou sighed, maybe that wasn't the right thing to say. "look i'm sorry okay? i didn't mean that."

todoroki looked down at his hands, five minutes had passed in silence and his gaze never left his hands. it's as if the secrets of the universe were on his palms, it would explain why todoroki stared at them.

bakugou looked at him, he didn't know exactly what to do. what is it you do in situations like these? hug them? comfort them? tell them all that sad crap? that'll it be alright etc.

maybe a hug? he'd have to swallow his pride for that.

'fuck, that's gonna be hard,' the blonde thought.

but he figured if he didn't do that the other would just continue to stare at his hands all day. he wasn't up for another 5 minutes of silence, for it being silent it was loud.

he found himself reluctantly making his way towards todoroki. and before he knew it he wrapped his arms around the other's shoulders.

todoroki's eyes widened for a split second, it didn't take him long to return the hug. his eyes filled with tears and all he could do was cry into bakugou's chest.

"it's okay, i'm here." bakugou whispered, he hoped todoroki couldn't hear how loud his heart was beating. little did he know todoroki heard all of it.

it comforted him in a way he couldn't quite explain.

𝙽𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚋𝚘𝚛 || 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐔Where stories live. Discover now