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"oi dumbass are you awake?" bakugou asked in a tired voice as he rubbed his tired eyes.

"i've been awake actually, since 4 am." a sleep deprived todoroki responded, bakugou could hear the ac in the background.

"hah? what time did you even fall asleep?" the blonde asked as he sat up in bed.

"like around 1 am? or was it 2 am? i honestly don't know, i lost track."

"you only got 3 hours of sleep?!" bakugou yelled into the phone, todoroki winced.

"bakugou please, it's only 9 am. do you really want to wake up your neighbors? also did anyone ever tell you this? you snore like a lion, it was cute."

bakugou cheeks turned a light shade of pink, he was so lucky todoroki couldn't see his face. "did anyone ever tell you you're annoying as hell? you make me wanna kill myself."

"if that's really the case than i would gladly stop talking to you if it means your existence on earth isn't gone."

the other rolled his eyes and let out a deep sigh. "no dumbass, you're talking to me and that's the end of it."

todoroki arched a brow, "whys that?" he asked.

the blonde rolled his eyes, "cause i still need to help you on your stupid date right? i thought of a few things, also i like to hear about your endless suffering everyday. it fills my life with joy."

"ah yes, don't forget to take your joy."

"trust me i won't."

"i need to shower real fast, i have somewhere to go. i'll text you later, is that okay?"

bakugou nodded even though todoroki couldn't see it, "whatever."

"take care and don't die."

"i'd say the same for you but knowing you you're probably wishing to die." bakugou replied.

todoroki hesitated, "who knows....maybe there's someone i want to live for."

bakugou snorted. "cringe."

todoroki chuckled, "yeah course it is."and with that he hung up the phone a few seconds later.

bakugou looked at the number on his phone, he had just realized he hadn't saved it. he did exactly that and then sat on his bed for a while deciding what to put as todoroki's contact name. he could've just put his name but he thought that was boring.

besides he had nicknames for every contact in his phone. an idea came to his head and he quickly added it to the contact name.

StupidPeppermintHair sent a message!

bakugou half smiled, it was the perfect name for todoroki. he opened the message and couldn't help but laugh.

the water was cold and it touched my butt.

Bakugou Deal with it

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Deal with it. Also stop using your phone in the shower.

i thought it was a normal thing? but okay. text you later. 


Take care you stupid idiot.

𝙽𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚋𝚘𝚛 || 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐁𝐀𝐊𝐔Where stories live. Discover now