Note? Nope.

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Albus POV

"My plan of course. To get you guys together!" Rose waved her arms in the air, but slowly brought them down as her face dropped. "You guys really don't get it do you?" I looked over at Scorpius who was shaking his head vigorously; I did the same.

"You're both so blind. It's so obvious you both liked each other, even if you didn't realise." her eyes settled on Scorpius and widened. She winked at him, "I should be getting back to class. Bye lovebirds!" and with that, she was out the door in a sweep.

My plan had worked. My plan had actually worked. "So... where do we go from here?" Scorpius interrupted my train of thoughts, leaving me still staring into his eyes. "Uh- well- I would uh- like it if we could- uhm- you know..." I couldn't form words properly; it was like there was a charm on me whenever I was around him. Luckily, he got the gist of what my fumbled words meant, "Date?" he cocked his head to his right slightly. "Uh. Yes. Date. Very much so." my heart was pounding. If this went wrong, I might lose my best friend; pretty much my only friend.

"You're cute when you're nervous. What about we sneak out to Hogsmeade tonight, I'll take you out." Bingo. I got myself a date.

"Yeah. Yeah. That would be amazing. Perfect. I mean... that would be cool. Uh- yeah. Sure." Oh God. I was making a complete fool of myself.

"You're not making a fool of yourself." he grinned. How in Dumbledore did he know that? He winked, swung on the bed frame and left me alone.

Scorpius POV

How did I know that? Easy. Simple mind reading charm. If Albus had actually paid attention to the homework, he would've known how easy the darn spells were to cast.

I had DATDA next (with Albus) so I had to get my books from my locker. I dashed across the school and skidded to a halt when I reached my locker. There was a note pinned to the front; scrawled over it was 'Room of Requirement 2:30. Don't be late.'

I carefully took the note down, folded it into four and slid it into my pocket. I yanked my locker open and grabbed my books and the homework I had done the previous night.


When I got to class, Albus was already there waiting for me. "What took you so long?" he furrowed his brow, looking half-concerned. I didn't mean to take so long, I just kinda stared at the note for ages before I came to class.

"I- uh- had to go to the bathroom." I lied. I had never been a good liar, so this was probably a really bad idea. However, Albus dropped the subject whether he believed me or not.

"So, what time are we going out?" a small smile creeped across his face; my stomach filled with warmth. "How about 7:00? That'll give me enough time to get ready." I twiddled my thumbs around, but out of view from Albus.

"Sure." his small smile started to grow. He was so cute, but I couldn't get my mind off the stupid note. What did it even mean? Was I actually going to go? Who wrote it?


I quite like DATDA; it's kinda relaxing in a way. We never get much homework, too, which is a massive plus. The class went by pretty quick, but all I could think about was that damn note.

"Scorp, you alright?" I glanced to my right to see Albus leaned over towards my desk. I didn't really know how to answer, "Yeah. Yep. Great. Fine. Cool." well that was a terrible cover up. Well done Scorpius.

"Have I done something wrong?" A deepened sadness started to cross his face. "No, no, not at all. It's just... stuff. Nothing to do with you." I patted his shoulder and we both engaged back into the class.

The bell rung throughout the whole school; class was over. We all picked up our books and tried to squeeze our way out the classroom. I was quick today so I was one of the first out, along with Albus.

"I gotta get to charms. See you later?" he took my hand in his, slightly squeezing it before letting go and walking off to his next lesson.

I had another free next, so I headed back up to the common room. I was supposed to be meeting with this anonymous person in about 15 minutes. I still didn't know if I was even going.

Whilst I walked past the mirror, I caught a glimpse of a scratch on my right cheek. Huh? How did that get there? Then, another line started to form underneath it. It was like a knife was being dragged across my skin, the pain becoming more and more noticeable.

Scratches were cutting into me everywhere. It felt like a thousand needles were being stuck in me at once. I screamed out in pain as the dull lines of blood covered my body.

"Hey I forgot my..." Albus looked up and saw me about to fall to my knees in agony. "Scorp!" he bolted towards me, grabbing my shoulders; that made the pain even worse.

I let out another piercing scream as my vision started to blacken around the edges. Everything seemed to be going on slow motion; Albus' glossy eyes staring into mine, a girl with silver-blue hair opening the door. Wait. What?

Before I could say anything, she gasped and ran back outside. A couple seconds later she dashed back in with Professor McGonagall. My head pounded like someone was beating it with drumsticks. Everything was echoey. I couldn't bare it anymore. I passed out, leaving everyone in the room shocked.

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