Trance of Cuts

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Scorpius POV

It felt like a vacuum cleaner had been shoved down my throat and sucked all the life out of me; it was painfully dry and almost felt like it was bleeding.

Delphi cast a spell which I couldn't quite make out, sending a shock through my veins. I felt truly alive again; but something felt missing.

"Scorpius! Are you okay?" Dad shook me, clearly distressed. There was only one way to respond. I shook me head gradually as panic rose throughout my brain. Adrenaline pumped through me, sending shivers down my spine.

"What is it Scorp? What's wrong?" Albus walked closer and closer to my bed. I pressed myself up against the headrest in fear; what the hell was wrong with me?

"He can't talk." Delphi said in realisation - she knew what was going on. "What do you mean he can't talk? Of course he can! Go on Scorpius, show her. Go on son." He begged; deep down, he knew she was right, he just didn't want to believe something had happened to his only son.

My throat was dry; too dry to speak. I gripped onto the crinkly plastic cup Albus had brought me and downed it. No help whatsoever.

This had to be some sort of spell she had cast on me; something to make me keep silent.

Something to stop me telling the others a secret she didn't want them to know.

What was it though? I had no idea what the secret was - I just knew I couldn't tell.

I could feel it.

Albus POV

There was something wrong with Scorpius. Seriously wrong. Inside I was freaking out but I couldn't show that; I couldn't imagine what Scorpius must've been feeling in that moment.

I reached for his hand but he reeled back in shock; so did I. Was he... afraid of me?

I was hurt by the sudden movement - he tickled the back of my hand with his thumb, wrapping the rest of his hand around mine.

He looked as though he tried to speak; but then remembered he couldn't.

He sighed, snatched his wand and wrote in fiery orange letters 'sorry'. He waved his wand and the strange letters disintegrated.

I smirked as tears welled up in my eyes. How long would I have to go without hearing my sweet boyfriends voice? Would I ever hear it again?

More now than ever before, I started to remember the slight melodic rhythm of his voice as he spoke about anything - anything at all.

A tear rolled down my cheek, dripping onto Scorpius' warm hand. He gazed up at me and wiped the tears off my face. I could see it was killing him inside not to be able to talk to me.

Scorpius POV

Oh God. It was killing me inside not being able to talk to Albus. He looked so sad and I needed to say something - anything - to make him feel better. Even if it was something completely random. I just had to talk; but I couldn't.

My eyes wandered over to the cuts on my arm; the 3 distinct marks. Turns out I was right - every time an incident happened, I gained another mark.

Every time I fought her it got harder and harder; I didn't know if I would be able to take another 'possession' as Delphi called it.

It was weird - having a Delphi on the inside and on the outside. I also felt special - no one else felt what I did. I could sense when there was something off, or when something was about to happen. It almost made up for the fact that I was completely voice-dead.

I needed to cry. I really needed to cry; but there was no way I could cry over this. I mean, surely I would get my voice back eventually. I just had to think of another plan.

I looked around the room and noticed Dad and Harry weren't there; they must've left us to do whatever flirting was possible without a voice.

A sharp pain dragged across the same arm where all my cuts where, blood seeping through the thin, torn layer of skin. I clutched onto Albus' arm with my free hand, staring down at my arm. Another cut was being drawn.

No. This time was... different. The rose-red lines were moving. It was like a trance. My eyes were blurry and I felt lightheaded.

They finally positioned themselves to form the letter 'R' in bold, red writing.

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