We Don't Need Delphi

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Albus POV

It was Saturday morning - a rest from all the classes. I probably would've been signed off anyway, but this felt a bit better.

I didn't get any sleep at all, he just laid there thinking about Scorpius; the way his body was so delicately positioned on the cold, hard floor.

Mostly all I could wonder though was a horrifying thought; what if this had all been some suicide mission?

Well, if it was, he had succeeded.

It was 8:07am, and I was hungry, so I went to the table set up in our dorm and laid out the cutlery. I realised he'd accidentally put out a plate in Scorpius' seat - I wasn't letting anyone sit there.

I swiftly cleared the place, dropping the delicate plate as I did so. "Shit." I said, clearing up the mess of broken plate spread around the kitchen floor.

Tears were once again spilling down my face. I couldn't control them - I just felt like such an idiot. How had I not known something was going on when the Effy girl turned up? I hated to admit it, but this was all my fault.

Dad and Draco came in a couple of minutes later, Dad in a plain black suit and Draco still in his pyjamas. Draco rubbed his eyes, which looked like they were already stinging from all the crying.

Everyone sat down in their seats, no one even daring to touch Scorpius', and they sat in silence. I sat down as well; I'd lost my appetite.

Moments later, we heard footsteps coming down the stone steps - the other entrance to the dorms. I thought we told no one not to come in here?

I got up and stormed over there, raging that someone would even think about coming to see me right now.

I was about to throw a punch when I saw the familiar white-blond hair of my dead boyfriend - but he was dead?

The figure strutted over, revealing his face as he did. Oh. My. God. He was alive. Scorpius was actually alive. And he was standing right in front of me.

Scorpius POV

Yup. I was alive.

I don't know how it happened, but I just woke up. It was like I went to sleep for a couple of hours. I didn't need Delphi to help me or anything; no magic involved in fact!

Albus stood in shock, staring at me, taking in every inch of my existence. I could see the tears in his eyes; they were on the verge of spilling out. But they didn't, for a moment.

Then, he let it all out. He threw his arms around me in a swift movement and sobbed into my chest. My chest was already wet from tears - I don't know how. I hugged back as tight as I could, I never wanted to lose him again.


"Albus you've been standing out there for 5 minutes what the hell is going on?" Harry called out; it was evident he couldn't hear us.

I raised my eyebrows at Albus, who leaned closer and pressed his lips against mine. We kissed for a moment, until a shout broke our focus, "ALBUS!"

Probably paranoid after what happened to me I suppose. I took his hand and lead him into the dorms again. Dad stood up immediately, his face lighting up.

"SCORPIUS!!" He screamed in happiness, sprinting over to me and pulling me into a long, sweet hug. It felt amazing.

"I thought you were dead. Everyone did. I felt like I lost everything last night Scorpius. You are my everything. Please never leave me son, please never leave me."

I broke my Dad. Anyone know how to fix him?

Only joking. He kinda malfunctioned though; he was hysterical.

All this was making me lightheaded. I felt I was going to pass out. A shiver was sent down my spine; my breathing quickened. My eyelids were drooping, my body went limp, I was so tired. I was so, so tired. And that was it, I dropped down into the floor.


I awoke in a familiar, comfortable bed. The green sheets were wrapped around me; they reminded me of the green light that shot through Delphi's wand.

I was still kinda scarred from that; the feeling was totally indescribable. I just wanted to talk to someone; I just needed someone else to understand what I was going through.

The faint glow from my alarm clock was the only light in the room; the little digital numbers showed that it was 3:03am. I felt bad about waking anyone up, but I knew my Dad would want to know I'm okay. And I really wanted a hug.

"Daaaaddd." I groaned; every inch of my body was aching. No response. "Daaaaddd." I called out again. Still no response.

I panicked. Why couldn't he hear me? What if he was in another room? I started shaking uncontrollably, I cried and cried. "DAD!! DAD!! DAD WHERE ARE YOU!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

The door finally burst open and Dad switched the light on. "Hey, hey, what's wrong? Are you in pain? Is Delphi still hurting you?" He sat at the other end of the bed.

"No, no, no, I'm fine. I just panicked. I didn't know where you were. Sorry." I placed my hand on his. This felt special.

This is how I wanted it to stay. Just the two of us; no one else to mess things up. No one else to explain myself to. But of course there was Albus, there was Effy, there was Harry.

Why couldn't things stay like this?

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