Letters with Plans

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Albus POV

R? What the hell did 'R' mean? Did Scorpius know? Was it some massive secret?

Scorpius stared blankly at his arm, carefully tracing his index finger over where the cuts connected - like a puzzle.

I hesitated, "Do you... know what 'R' is?"

"It's a letter of the alphabet, kiddo." Dad came back into the room with Draco, holding what looked like an old photo of Scorpius.

"Ah. Right. Of course." Scorpius spoke whilst tucking his arm under the covers. If the others found this, it would look really bad for him.

"What's wrong with your arm?" Dad asked, approaching the small bed. "I- uh- nothing!" he stuttered, "I'm completely fine, no injuries or anything!" A bit overboard Scorp. Just a bit.

Dad began to peel the bedsheet away from his arm, "Please Mr Potter, I assure you everything is fine. There's nothing wrong with me, please just put the sheet back." Scorpius practically begged.

He did not stop. He continued to bend it back until the lines were visible. "What is this?" Dad picked up his arm loosely and held it up for Draco to see.

Tears immediately filled his eyes; I knew what he was thinking. I rushed over to him in a panic and tried to comfort him. "He didn't do them himself. I promise. I watched them form; it was really weird. I swear."

Draco wiped his eyes with the back of his sleeve as Scorpius stared in confusion. He had never seen his dad cry before; especially not over him.

Scorpius POV

I kept trying to speak, I really did. All I would get was the occasional squeak in my throat; not a very pleasant feeling.

It was hopeless. I couldn't tell them what was going on; I had tried to write it with my wand, but I just couldn't.

There was no way to tell them anything.

Wait. Of course there was. Delphi. My eyes darted around to pick her out of the small crowds gathered around, but she was nowhere.

Dad noticed my distress and placed an arm round my shoulder, "Anything I can do for you son?" There was something he could do for me.

I tried to speak again, but no luck. In an attempt to get him to understand what I wanted, I waved my arms around frantically; I probably looked like a madman.

"Hang on, slow down, slow down. Go through everything slowly." Dad pulled my arms down gently, relaxing me.

I thought for a minute. First, I pointed down to where Delphi had fallen. "Floor?" I shook my head. "Dirt?" I shook it again and pointed at myself, and then to the floor again. "Delphi?" Hit the nail right on the head Dad. I nodded my head as fast as I could.

"Okay. Uhm. Is she hurting you?" I shook my head vigorously. Well, she was, but that was besides the point. I pointed to the door, and then at Dad, "You want me to go get her?" Yes. I nodded my head, a massive grin plastered across my face. I leaned over and hugged him tightly. "Oh, okay. We're hugging are we? Okay great." He relaxed a little, "I love you Scorp, I really do. Everything's going to be okay, I promise."

I pulled away and nodded - my neck started to ache from all the nodding I was doing. I rested my hand on the back of my neck, trying to ease the pain.

"Your neck okay?" Dad placed a hand on my white-blond hair and ruffled it slightly. I was about to nod, but I rethought. I gestured for Dad to get me a pen and paper from the table at the foot of my bed.

He reached over and got them for me, handing them both to me with a look of confusion crossed with a smile. I scrawled 'it hurts from all the nodding but I'm alright' across it with a black 'biro' I bought the other day from a muggle shop.

"Ah. Use the paper for a bit, give your neck a rest. Then when your hand starts hurting, go back to the nodding again." Dad smirked and tapped my leg before walking off to get Delphi.


He came back a couple minutes later with Delphi (interrupting my very nice kiss with Albus but whatever). "Oh come on, get a room you two." Delphi strode over to the bed.

"I'll leave you guys alone then..." Albus stated awkwardly, shuffling away to go talk to his Dad and pulling my Dad with him.

"Right then, what can I help you with?" Delphi waited for an answer, "Oh, sorry. You can't speak." she giggled and gestured to the note pad, "Write it down."

I did. I compose a full-blown letter (which took me about 5 minutes to write) and handed it to Delphi. Her eyes scanned the page rapidly taking in all the vital information.

"Are you sure about this?"

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