Love For Effy

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Albus POV

A scream tore throughout the castle walls. Dad and I exchanged a glance and dashed into every room and corridor to find who could make such a horrible sound.

We ran into each other at the stairs of the astronomy tower. No luck anywhere. I thought there was nowhere else - no one would be in the astronomy tower at this time - until a sharp inhalation sounded down the steps.

I didn't think - I raced up those steps as fast as my legs could carry me, my dad close behind.

My feet halted me at the doorway when I saw Scorpius hunched over the girl from earlier; the strange one. Effy, I think her name was.

Tears were streaming down his face as he pulled her up from off the floor and held her so tight. In that moment, I wanted to be her.

"It's okay, I'm okay." She let out a breath, clutching the collar of Scorpius' white shirt.

I'd been so distracted by the two that I hadn't realised Delphi standing in the centre of the room. She had an expression of regret; it made me wonder what she'd done this time.

Dad coughed, "Is everything... okay here?" Effy and Scorpius looked up in synchronisation.

"Yeah, everything's great." Effy pushed up from the cold floor, "I'm Effy by the way. His friend." She gestured to Scorpius.

"Well, hello Effy. Nice to meet you. I'll leave you guys to carry on... whatever." Dad was about to leave the room when an invisible barrier stopped him.

Scorpius held his wand out in front of him, focused on the barrier. "Scorpius, stop that please." Dad said as politely as he could.

He lowered his wand and started to write, 'Please don't tell my Dad what you just saw.' Woah, he was getting really good at those letters.

"Uhh, yeah sure, don't worry, I won't." Dad smiled with confusion. Scorpius smiled back and destroyed the barrier, allowing my Dad to leave the room.

I followed close behind him to make them think I was leaving, but I stood in the doorway to listen in on their conversation.

"Well done Scorpius, looked like it worked."

"Yeah, Hyper, you didn't fuck it up for once. Well done, I'm not dead."

There was a momentary pause.

"Well, now we just need to choose the object and carry out the rest of the deed."

Another pause.

"Why are you two looking at each other like that?" I knew that Delphi; she did the little tongue click thing she always did.

"Sounds like Hyper has a plan."

Scorpius POV

"Alright them, what's 'Hypers' plan?" Delphi walked over to Effy, drawing her wand out from her back pocket.

"Lemme check." She turned to me, anticipating an answer.

I know what to use for the horcrux.


The silver necklace. Delphi seems particularly attached to it - that would make it good.

"Good idea, good idea. Delphi, do you know anything of a silver necklace?" Effy pondered, smiling slightly.

"Yeah, I saw one on his nightstand a couple hours ago. Want me to go get it?"

"Please, yeah." Said Effy.

Delphi went off with a slight spring in her step. She must be happy the plans finally in motion.

I glanced to the other entrance - the main entrance - and saw Albus lurking. My eyes widened as I screamed at Effy through my mind.


"Jeez Hyper, turn it down a notch. He's your boyfriend, he'll understand."

No he won't! You don't get it Efs, he's gonna tell my Dad and then the plan would've been completely useless. Please can we just get him out of here.

"What plan?" Albus asked from the doorway. Fuck. He must've looked at my notes and seen the mind reading spell. He knew everything I was thinking.

"Hyper, please can I just tell him?"

I hesitated a moment. I couldn't risk him knowing - it would foil the plan.

No. Get him out of here. Now.

"Fine then." She got up and pushed him out the archway, swinging the door shut behind him.

Thank you Efs.

"Sure thing Hyper."

Delphi emerged into the room with the silver necklace; it was a silver chain with can tabs strung across the middle section.

"Got it and done the spell. Looks like the plan has just hit its suspense point."

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