1 : Last Words

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◓ Last Time?

A villager who was passing by saw a young boy who had blond hair and bright clothing in the middle of the field of flowers. "Hey, are you okay over there. The sun is setting soon you should go home." the villager shouted to the boy. The boy shouted back "I'm fine! I'll just stay here for a bit." smiling as he waved at the person passing by. The man then nodded and went on his way.

The boy started picking flowers but then stopped "Beautiful." he said to himself smiling at the flower he was holding. It was a yellow tulip. 

After a few minutes he went back home smiling. Before going through the gates of Konoha, he stood on a branch of a nearby tree and smiled. he went through the gates to be greeted by two guards. "Naruto! your back. how was it?" the one with a bandage on his nose asked smiling at the young boy "It was good! look I found flowers on the way back!" he took out a small bouquet of yellow tulips. 

They smiled at Naruto as he went inside the village. "Izumo, is it just me or did Naruto seem weird today?" "what? its probably just you Kotetsu." They both went back to their stations and continued on with their day, Kotetsu still being bothered by the thought.


Naruto who was walking around the village an saw Kakashi and Guy sitting at a bar "Kakashi sensei! Bushy brow sensei!" he shouted running to them "Naruto?" Kakashi said putting down the icha icha paradise book. "What do we have here Naruto-kun?" Naruto gave both of them a single flower and ran off cheerfully after saying "See you later Kakashi sensei, Bushy brow sensei!" 

Both of them were confused by Naruto's actions "Did something happen today, he seemed to be acting weird.." Guy asked Kakashi who just told him Naruto's just being weird like always.


He also ran into Kurenai and Asuma on a date. He just gave them a flower and left. Before leaving he smiled at them and said "Have nice date!"

Leaving the two of them blushing both looking at the flower that was given.


Naruto was walking to the hokage mansion when a supposedly rock looking box came near him. He ignored it and kept walking since he already knew who it was. after a few minutes of walking he stopped and so did the box. A smoke bomb then exploded. Coughing was heard from inside the smoke.

"Udon! You put to much stuff in" the boy yelled at his friend still coughing. A faint sorry was heard from the four eyes.

"Konohamaru, don't be mean to your friends." Naruto scolded Konohamaru. The smoke finally wore off "Nii-chan! can you play ninja with us for a bit." konohamaru and his friends asked him but he replied with a no "Why nii-chan, you always play with us." Moegi who was saddened by his answer complained.

"Maybe later, I have to meet baa-chan first." they became even more disappointed. Naruto took out three flowers and gave it to each one of them.

"Nii-chan?" all of them said at the same time, questioning his actions.

"Take it as a gift, don't lose it okay!" they all watched as Naruto left.

"Nii-chan's acting weird today.." "yeah.." they left and went to find their sensei, they held onto the flowers because Naruto told them keep it safe.


"Baa-chan!" Naruto loudly shouted opening the doors to the hokage's office

"Naruto?" Tsunade and Jiraiya said in unison.

"Oh! ero-sen! you're here too! great timing!" he smilled as he went to them and gave both of them a flower. They looked at him weirdly. Silence broke when Jiraiya asked Naruto

"What's this Naruto" "A flower!" He exclaimed. "We know it's a flower but why are you giving it to us?" Tsunade stood up from her table and walked to Naruto. 

"Just keep it safe with you!" he said and left both of them in confusion.

"He's acting strange." "right.."

after a few minutes of silence. It was interrupted by Tsunade.

"As I was saying, JIRAIYA WHAT THE FU-

━━moving on ⍢━━


Naruto then saw his team together with team 8,9, & 10 in front of Ichiraku ramen, his favorite place. 

"Heyya guys!" They all smiled at him seeing that he's back. Choji then asked "Naruto-kun! we were just gonna eat, do you wanna come?" Naruto nodded and they all went inside the ramen shop.

They all finished eating and went to a place that had a good view of konoha. (it would've been boring writing abt them having a conversation so I just skipped it.)

"Guy's!" Naruto shouted loudly gaining the attention of everyone. 

"what is it dobe?" sSasuke asked looking at his 'friend'. 

Naruto handed out flower to everyone making them look at him weirdly except for Hinata who was blushing about to faint but thankfully didn't.

"Naruto?" Kiba asked while Akamaru was smelling it. 

Shikamaru thought Naruto was being weird but didn't bother to say anything. 

Sasuke just stared at it. 

Choji was busy eating but had it on his hand. 

Neji and Tenten also thought he was being weird but didn't do anything and just said thanks in a questionable way. 

Shino's insects went to the flower. 

Lee for some reason jumped around talking about the flower he received from Naruto while Ino and Sakura stared at the how lovely the flower is.

Ino then said "These are beautiful Naruto! where did you find them?" she smiled. "I found them on the way back from a short mission. Thought it'd be nice if I picked a few and gave them to you guys."

He saw that the sun began setting and told them "I gotta go guys see you later!" he waved them goodbye and ran off. 

"The dobe's hiding somthing. I've never seen him act like this." Sasuke whispered to himself but loud enough for Shikamaru to hear.

"Did you say something Sasuke-kun?" Tenten asked still looking at the flower.


a/n : so i decided to end it here cause' im lazy now. 

what do you guys think?

honestly i only wrote this because its been bugging me the whole day so i just did it.

hope you guys support this story! thank you for reading the 1st chapter of my first book!

note : in this story they're 13ish ig? tsunades the hokage. sasuke never went to orochipedoshit and most of them like naruto and have a somewhat good relationship with him excpt for the villagers who remembered what the kyubi did.

◒ end of chapter 1 : Last Words

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