3 : bestfriends?

693 11 7

◓ promises

Sasuke left the room quietly without anyone noticing. They were all too busy crying about Naruto's death. 

He went to see the hokage statue's.

"so this was the place..."

He looked at the blood left by Naruto. There was caution tape all around it. 

People who gathered around whispering..

"I heard that demon killed himself."

"great, now we don't have to worry about the fox coming out."

There words were getting harsher by the second.

Sasuke was about to say something when the ANBU arrived and told them to move.

He left the place before anyone could see.


why, why would you leave me here...

you said you'd be there for me

you said we were friends

you said you'd fight me until you win

you said you'd beat me

you said you weren't gonna run away

you said..

you said so many other things...

you made so many promises...


He fell down on a tree as tears started falling from his eyes... he couldn't believe that Naruto left him

They made a promise not to leave each other.

Yes they did seem to hate each other but pushing all that back they were actually good and amazing friends who had a close relationship.

They kept each other alive. 

The loneliness they both felt

even if that sadness and loneliness was for a different reason 

they still shared their sadness and loneliness with each other.




It was the end of the day, most of the kids had gone home except a few.

Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji and a few other kids were playing when their parents came to pick them up.

"Shikamaru let's go, if Choji's there we'll bring him to his house." 

Shikaku Nara, Shikamaru's father came to pick him and Choji up up.

"ok!" he shouted back and went to his dad.

"Naruto we'll play tomorrow!" Choji said running to Shikamaru.

Shikamaru looked back at Naruto one last time before they left.

"ok.." Naruto said sadly 

Naruto left and walked back home.

He saw a boy sitting by the lake looking down at the water.

The boy looked at him and smiled a bit, Naruto smiled back and went on his way.

Naruto : The Fading Yellow TulipWhere stories live. Discover now