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"had I known you were alive, I would've been there by your side"


It's been years since I've last seen you. Your voice slowly starting to fade away, my memories are the worst they've ever been. They all moved on with life but I still can't seem to get you of my mind.

Every little thing in this village reminds me of you, that no matter what I do, it's you that I desire. Could it be this insufficient love that I've received, or is it just the memories that are trying to deceive.  

If ever that I do forget you, then pardon me for I no longer desire the lies that I've built up to keep my walls strong. Sorry that I couldn't be there with you when you needed me the most. And sorry for always longing for you.

So be it that I become the villain in their eyes. For you I'd do anything, even commit crimes. We were partners on earth then so be it in hell. Do so be it that the devil cries and yells. 

No longer here with you, no longer at peace. 

But I can't seem to gather enough hatred in me to go against this village. Maybe it's the memories of us that are tying me down. It was you, it has always been you.

Love was the only thing we wished and as I grew older, I came to realize that the thing we had was one where two lonely and broken people tried to find love, but then there was only chaos and that chaos was what they called love. 

Two broken people trying to find love by loving each other only ended up hurting one another. huh..who would've thought that I'd be wondering these things whilst I sit beside your grave. 

Was our fate already planned the moment that we met each other?


sometimes it haunts me. 

every now and then I'd here your voice echoing within these walls, it was always as if your presence was there. 

"sasuke"  the voice of a man whom I've heard for almost all my life

"what is it?" entering my room, he stood in front of me as I sat there on my bed.

Almost every single time like this, he'd be standing out by my window


"Jiraiya-sama came to talk to you but if you don't feel like it I'll just—" cut of short, I told him I'd be fine and would come out in a bit.

leaving only a sigh, he left in shushin.

silence filled the room, my thoughts in a scatter. Stood up, got dressed and went outside. Walking at slow pace, watching each step I take. Nothing particular in my mind but only then did the rain drops start pouring.

having no motivation to walk anymore, I just shushined to the hokage residence. 

not much had change due to the fact that it was still the old man running the place. But news was that soon enough a new successor to the hokage position would come.

upon entering the building, I was escorted to a meeting room. There were only few people present; the third hokage, jiraiya-sama, kakashi-sensei, sakura, and an old lady I'd never seen before.

"Sasuke..I'd like to introduce you to someone" 


lo, so i found some drafts i had that were made back in dec of 2020 so its sorta old but i think it'll be fine if i just add a bit more life and detail to them then post them 

but anyways, i havent updated in like a week or so but this book hit 1k reads and i wana ty for reading this even though there isn't much effort or idea that was put into

i'll do my best and keep up with the updates, 

bye love, see you in a bit

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