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"oi, what...happened?"


"Where do you think you're going?" Nagato had asked upon entering the room

Without even taking a second to respond, the blond rushed out of the room in his black cloak and straw hat that covered the upper part of his face.

Pain sat down on the couch that was centered in the living room. He sighed, thinking once again how they first met the blond teen..


"Konan, is there any news on konohagakure?" pain asked, Hanging up his black cloak.

"Itachi and Kisame are there right now." Konan responded with a calm tone as she made paper origamis of various kinds.

The door slammed opened revealing Kisame holding what looked like a dead body of a young little boy and behind him was Itachi who had quietly removed his layer of cloth and entered his room.

Kisame laid down the little boy, gaining the attention of Konan who was no less curios about it. He then started complaining on how Itachi had convinced him to pick up the boy and bring it back home

I mean like he said;

"It's a dead fucking body, what the hell am I supposed to do with it?"

"He's not dead, he's alive." Itachi said, coming out of his room with a book on hand.

He sat down beside the dead body and poured chakra into it

"He'll be awake in a day or two—" He was cut off as the boy sat up straight, rubbing his eyes with both his hands.

"—Or maybe now"

"Fuck..that hurts like hell.." Were the first few words that came out of his mouth

He looked around him only to see creeps around him

"Maybe I should've played dead a little longer" he said, debating whether or not to fall asleep again or just stay there silently

The boy's shirt was filled with blood stain and his hair was no longer a bright spikey yellow color rather it was a fading color of blond and soft looking locks which was no longer irritating to the eyes.

His hands that were covered in scars were now healing and his once blue eyes were now half of what it was. His right eye blue and his left eye red, both with black slits in the middle. His nails were sharp yet maintained a soft but elegant feature.

His chakra was slightly unstable causing a small amount of it to flow out and it was of course noticed by everyone in the room. The chakra was releasing tons of killing intent but was mixed with a soft and warm feeling.

a taller figure came close to him. he overed his hand and as the boy looked up, he saw someone who looked familiar. 

Long raven hair with dark black eyes that didn't seem so alive. He wore a necklace with three small metal rings attached to it. His hand was soft and warm yet his ring was cold. It felt like a distant memory seeing him.

"Who are you?"

the little one asked whilst the older let out a slight laugh. You wouldn't often see Itachi smiling like that. His laugh felt like the whole world to the young blond.

present time

And ever since then he'd been following Itachi like a pet dog. Well, not really a dog, I'd say that he'd be more of a fox than that.

Silently following him. Practicing every jutsu that Itachi would teach him and Itachi would treat him as if he was his own kin. Seeing them together was just the thing everyone needed to see. 

But of course nothing lasts forever.

Kids grow up and relationships starts to fade away slowly. More often times than not does he go out and not come back till dawn. We were worried but it wasn't our place to ask him since we did it too.

I just think that he'd go out with other people he met. But still, sometimes one of us would follow him but there was no point, he'd go to the same place again and again and again. Maybe he knew, and that was why or he really did just go there every single time..



it's been two weeks since i've updated

uhhh shits been busy and i just edited this last night cause last week was fuckin hell

due dates every day and quizes back and forth

then we had practice for our performance and then theres more this week but i wanted to leave a little something for you first so here it is

i am making a follow up chapter but it's still in writting so im not sure if i'd upload it tom or next week because i'll be busy with school for the following weeks so yea


thats all, bye love

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