6 : Prologue

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Prologue for the next book which I am now editing..

I know its been like a year and I thought that maybe it's time to upload more chapters

I am currently in that time in high school where things are just really stressful to the point that I don't have time for hobbies and things that I love doing out of school

I'm sorry for not uploading and I hope that while I write this new book, you all will continue to love and support this story because its my first book/fanfic I've ever published

I re-read this whole story and saw that there were a lot of incorrect spellings and use of words but I'm glad that I was able to write something like this

And so I thought that maybe I could do even better and continue this story

I'm looking forward to all the things I can accomplish during my time writing this book

See you soon!

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