5 : Future

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◓ A future without you

It had been about 10 years since his death. The village changed a lot and so did they. The current hokage now was the 7th. His name was Uchiha Sasuke. He and his friends were about 22 years old already.

He decided to become the hokage in name of his friend that he had lost. After his death he started to act more lively. Most of his friends and sensei's were quite weirded out but as the years passed by, they got used to it.

Sakura had married Sasuke and is now 7 months into pregnancy. Sasuke was set to be the new hokage after Sakura's delivery. She had become one of the top doctors among the nations. Sasuke was of course proud of her. 

A few months later Sakura gave birth to her baby girl. She looked exactly like her father, black hair and black eyes. They decided to name her Sarada. Weeks later it was Sasuke's day, he was about to become the seventh hokage. 

One of the only reasons he had a chance to become a hokage so early was because Kakashi Hatake -the 6th hokage- had been begging to be put out of the position as he had other  plans for himself in the future. That's what he said.


After the hokage stuff he had to do, he went outside of the office to see a place. It was a tree that had been there for a long time. It was really old, but it still had a swing stuck to it as well as marks that indicated letters. S & K. 

He stood beside the swing and looked at it as if someone was sitting there. He left leaving a flower on top of the swing and slightly pushed it so that it would swing. He went home to his wife and daughter who were waiting for him,  his friends with their kids were also there and other people like Kakashi, Kurenai & her kid, Tsunade and more.

They all had fun for the night.


◐ somewhere outside of konoha

Two men wearing straw hats that covered their face & black cloaks with red clouds in the middle entered konoha. One of them had a fox mask but was barely seen because of the hat that covered it.

The place was filled with confetti as they were celebrating their new hokage.

"the 7th. I see." the one with black hair said

"Uchiha Sasuke." The blond said in a voice that made it sound like he wanted to kill him.

"Never thought he'd become the hokage. nor marry Haruno. Quite suprising I must say." The blond said cheerfully lifting up his hat shwoing a small smirk.

"Let's go."

They left to see more of the place since it had been a while.

The Akatsuki organization had kept quiet for quite a while now. No one has heard from them in a long time. Most think they're dead. Which in this case they were wrong. They were very much alive and underground.

These two went to check an old place they used to know. Konoha. They roamed around for a bit then left. 

They both had a ring on their finger one had "Itachi" written on it

and the other had 


The End of Book 1

a/n : ho ho ho! merry fuckin christmas bitches.


he's alive people! and with the akatsuki.

what to do now *claps hands together and thinks*

*can't think of anything*



well today was the end of the beginning of the real book.

yes this isn't the main story. 

i'll probably using the two weeks of my christmass break thinking of how i should go on with the story but anyways

ill probably enjoy it and i hop u do so too!

of and I would like to thank you for the reads and the votes.

I cant believe people would actually read my shit but anyways thank you for 99 reads! <3

i'll be making a different book for now but will continue this one in the future.

i had fun and i hope u did too!

remember this is only the begining.

until next time


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