heterochromatic eyes

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it's you


There I sat and stared at those heterochromatic eyes. 

His right eye; a deep ocean blue, the other crimson. The hair that used to be an ever so bright blonde now an unseeingly faded yellow hue. I stared once again at his soft plumed cheeks, no longer was there whisker like scratches on them.

I stared again right at his heterochromatic eyes, now also looking right at mine, wondering if it is him.

Maybe I was hallucinating.

It happened more often times than not that I choose to no longer believe everything I see as it had all seemed way too blurry and vague. But now, just now, right at this very moment I wished I wasn't dreaming.

Praying to all the God's out there that what I'm seeing is real and who I think it is. Hoping that even if this was just a hallucination of mine that it would stay longer all the others did.

"uhm..eto--" a voice trailed off, snapping me out my thoughts and back to reality. 

He was gone.

I looked everywhere but to no avail, he was nowhere to be seen. 

a light tap on my shoulder, I turned to see who it was.

There he was.


I grabbed his wrist, pulling him closer, just enough to check if what I was seeing was real and when I had concluded that it was, I had pulled the tall figure into tight hug, as if I'd never let go.

I felt his warmth, his touch. I took it all in. 



Soft sobs came out of his lips, my shirt getting drenched by the second. My arms wrapped around the smaller figure, slowly patting his deep raven colored hair. A mess it was, I must say.

He looked as if he hadn't slept in days. 

I stared for a moment, waiting for him to stop crying. I shushined us out of the place as too many people were staring. 

Here we now were, a cliff far off from village. Sat us down beneath the tree, him still sobbing; crying his heart out, mumbling out inaudible words whilst gripping onto the crimson red shirt I wore.

Not long after he stopped crying, looking back up again to meet my eyes.



Lost in those heterochromatic eyes once again, something about them made me fall deeper. Wanting more than just whatever was there. Deeper, deeper and deeper had I fallen not noticing how long I've been staring, I was snapped out of my thoughts as a heard a slight chuckle from the blonde.

I looked away, avoiding his gaze. I stood up and watched as the sunset went down, the city lights turning on creating a beautiful scenery right before my very eyes. Something I had not seen in a very long time.

"Beautiful right?" His voice seemed unnatural to me.

Yet the feeling of him being here astonishes me even more. 'How is he here?, how is he alive?, didn't he die? I saw the body..' my mind wandered off to question so many things about this situation right before me. Trying to comprehend what the fuck is happening.

Is it me?

am I the problem?

Delusional much?!

"Oi, ignoring me already?" He said, a little bit of sarcasm in it.


"How are you here?"

he stayed quiet for a while, his face unreadable but only then did he put a smile on his face; my world shining a little brighter. My heartbeat skipping a beat, jaw dropped, shirt off--no wait jk

"I don't know!" he said as cheerfully as he could with that shining bright smile--I think the sun just rose up again infrunami.

he cannot be kidding me right now..this little ball of fucking sunshine--

no--we just got him back, we can't kill him yet.

"hey why's your face all like that, it's scaring me ya'know." he took a few steps back in a defensive manner. Both hands raised in the air, showing he's unarmed.

But then I stopped once more to look at his figure. He'd grown a couple of inches above me, his hair longer, down to his nape forming a half-assed mullet cut. The shirt he wore revealed his toned muscular figure as it was mostly mesh and see through, a full black cloak sitting on top. Wide legged black pants paired with black high top boots that were quiet dirty. 

A necklace bearing three metal rings around his neck. An orange ring with the kanji 狐; meaning fox, embedded onto it in black on his left pinky. I had also taken notice to his pierced ears, two studs; crimson red and ocean blue. Then underneath his cloak revealed a glimpse of red inked tattoo of what seemed to be a seal on his right arm.

He clearly brought no such thing with him; no backpack, no bag, no map, no meaningful or significant items other than the ones he wore on him. Apart from all there is to see, I feel a different aura on him, one he didn't have before.

A dark ominous feeling and a barrier between us.


girl I be tired af

k, heres another update 

bye love;p

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