oh shit

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well hello loves, its been a year now

i think

i actually dont remember anything about this book

i think i like wrote this at the beginning of covid, so i was like 10 or sum

uhh, i kinda half assed the prolouge and now tham i'm re-reading there were a lota errors

so im gonna go ahead and fix those then like think the next part cause this shit kinda has the potential to be somthin or im just high rn n cant think straight.

and if by any chance you dont remember what the fuck happend well heres a summary cause i dont know either 

(im honestly the type of person to forget what the fuck happened to something i read just the night before so here a summary for you love💗)

so basically what was that naruto killed himself and konoha 11 balled their eyes out then the next few chapters were about sasuke crying abt this dude leaving him by killing himself and shit. 

then in the shitty prolouge they meet when sasuke has sarada already and he's like the hokage and naruto's yk parta the akatsuki. this in which im definitely gonna change because like i originally planed them to meet when their like in their 30's and sasuke is the hokage so like no.

so then basically what's gonna changes are most likely to happen is that the timeline will like cut closer to when he died so im going to put it closer like 3-4 years, so like since he supposedly killed himself at 13, he'll come back at 17-18 so thats like the age range for the rest of konoha 11, you do the math for the rest of these bitches

on the other hand naruto will still of course be associated with the akatsuki, thats no longer a secret, angst will be present of course but as well as some fluff

now on part with that there will be a sht ton a mistakes in this story, i will have the urge to change a lot of things so i apologize in advance and if by any chance that i dont finish this withing the year, im sorry but then again im not sory 

if you've gone this far into reading then wow, i am inlove with you. sorry for the message but like ty for reading this far, istg i love you

on the bonus i have not finished watching naruto since the site that i used to watch it on crashed like bitch WHAT IN THE FUCK HAPPENED TO ANIMIXPLAY, BITCH, SHE WAS MY ONLY SOURCE I LITERALY BAWLED MY FUCKING EYES OUT WHEN I HEARD IT WENT DOWN

oh and lastly do expect more plot twist. dont ever think that im done with that sht

im dying, anyways thats that bwy my love

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