once was told

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 I know I'm smiling right now but..


'the night before he died'

"Sasuke.." he whispered. It was a cold night up in the forest, a place where they'd often stay.

"I am this close to falling off the deep end.." he mumbled, a soft chuckle coming out of him. His head kept low, a hand holding up his face as he sat near the cliff with his legs dangling off the edge. 

The light of the that was sinking into the waters created a beautiful reflecting sunset. The orange hue beneath the yellow sun created a light that made it look like heaven, and at the center of it was where he sat perfectly in place.

There I stood at the very edge, awaiting his next words. I tried to keep myself calm but an eerie aura came off of him, an unfamiliar one at that.

"I know I'm smiling right now, but the light inside me is dying." he stared at the very bottom of the waters below the cliff he sat on. Lost in his own world and I didn't know what to do.

I stood there behind him quiet. We were both only children but sometimes Naruto makes me feel as if I was the younger one. Like he was the older brother figure amongst the both of us. 

It wasn't often that Naruto would say these things for he always had on a jolly little kid façade but at some point he had to let out all the emotions he had kept hidden and I knew that well. 

All too fucking well.

And that night, Naruto didn't come home.


the sun had finally set and so it was a pitch black sky with the full moon and the stars reflecting their light unto the vast sky.

I sat their with him, my head rested on his shoulder while he looked over the busy village. This unfamiliar feeling creeping up inside of me.

Looking at him right now  makes feel at ease but at the same time uneasy, scared, and lost. 

'My eyes tell me that he is Uzumaki Naruto, but my soul and heart say otherwise.'

I can't help the feeling that this person right here is someone I've never met before but I want to believe that this is Uzumaki Naruto, maybe just not the one I used to know.

and with that, I chose to neglect all the dangerous possibilities that might come in the future. 

All I have ever wanted was to be with him and here we are. I'm not going to let anything stop that, no matter what the cost.


hey babes, short update for today, sorry.

schools starts monday so I'll prolly have to push this back again and i'm also kinda busy and shit already so i don't know when i'll make a next chap and upload but i'll do my best.

anyways satosugu has been killing me these days huhu TT..and thats where i got the inspiration to write this chapter but for the next will most likely be naruto meeting sakura and the rest of em so yeah

hope you liked todays chapter, bye loves <#

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