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I'm back?


It was late at night when Sasuke had called upon everyone to meet at the usual izakaya they'd go to. Dumbfounded, everyone sat as they began to order drinks and such.

Not so long after, the raven head had entered through the door, along with a very well hidden figure; a long coat with a hood shadowing his appearance.

"Sasuke!" a sweet toned voice caught his attention as he turned to see his group of friends, all complete even though they were called under short notice.

As they both sat down, the taller began taking off his hood unveiling his faded yellow hair and heterochromatic eyes. A small smile forming between his lips, a sweet and longing one.

Tears formed as the pinkette stared at those eyes, a surprise to all those present.

No words uttered at all, just in awe and shock from what they were seeing, rather, who they were seeing.

The night began with questions that furthermore revealed the 'truth' of what happened to him..


how long?

"kitt" hums a big ol fox, sitting near a waterfall

a soft questioning "hmm" came out of his lips as he rested near him,

"how long will you stay with them again?" he murmured

"just..for a short while" he said in sullen tone, getting up from his position and stretching

silence grew after that as the tiny fox had fallen asleep to the sound of the water.

it was a place neither in heaven or earth, a realm of beauty where imagination sparkles.

And as for them, the flowers bloomed beyond the body of water, hues of colors in every single part of this so called mystery of a connection



"" a soft voice tapped as he opened his eyes

"hmm?" his sweet voice hummbed as he looked at the figure in front of him

"I think its best if you took Sasuke home, he seems to have drunk too much." she said as a soft chuckle comes out

"sure, is it still the same as before?" he asked, pulling the others hand to his shoulder to lift him up

"mhm, take care" the blond said, as she took a sip of water

"thanks ino, see you around." he left in a shushin,


short update for today loves,

sorry its been a while since a new update but it can't be helped because i have so much going on right now,

i had a competition just a month ago and now i have another in two weeks haha, wish me luck

anyways todays chapter was not as what i would've imagined it to be but i guess its a soft introduction, i really wanted to get the others to interact with naruto but i just couldn't prolong it anymore

regardless, i still have new chapters that are pending but they are for later on so you'll have to wait love

that's all, have a great day love mwah

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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