2 : Fallen

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◓ goodbye konoha

"Konoha looks beautiful up here." Naruto sat down on top of the 4th hokage's rock face statue. (idk waht to call it) 

He could see the people in the village. It was a purple and yellowish sunset with clouds that made it look more beautiful. (picture shown above, i dont own the picture.)

Children's laughing and older people chatting could be heard. Naruto stood up, turned around his back facing the village, and took a deep breath while closing his eyes for a few seconds, he then put down the last flower he had. He took off his shinobi headband and put it beside the flower. 

He turned around and faced the village. He took a step forward nearing the end of the statue. "goodbye" he said in a faint voice before jumping off. As soon as he fell to the ground the sunset had ended and the moon rose up. 


◐ with Kakashi & Guy

Kakashi Pov

Naruto was acting weird earlier. I don't know why but I have a feeling somethings wrong. 

Me and Guy are going to the hokage's office to meet Tsunade-sama. She had called us earlier for an unknown meeting in her office. The tulip that Naruto had given me earlier was in my pocket. For some reason I felt like I had to keep it close to me.

*a few minute later*

We had just arrived in front of the office when we saw the genins standing there.

"what are you guys doing here? and why isn't Naruto with you?" guy asked the genins with a cheerful voice ig idk what to call.

Sakura then said "We ate ramen with him earlier and went up to the hill on the other side of the village when he suddenly gave us flowers and said he had to go somewhere."

"He gave you flowers too?" I asked them.

"yeah?" Kiba replied while Akamaru wouldn't stop barking. Kiba kept trying to calm him down but Akamaru wouldn't stop barking.

We were all talking about a few things when Asuma and Kurenai showed up.

"You guys got called too?" Asuma asked while distancing himself from Kurenai trying not to make it look like they didn't come together when we all know they both went out on a date. 

"Yeah, I'm guessing everyone's here now so let's go." we all walked inside going to the hokage's office.

end of Kakashi's pov

They all entered the office and saw Jiraiya in the corner of the room and Shizune holding tonton in her arms.

"Hokage-sama" Shikamaru said

Tsunade stood up from her table and stood in front of it "I called you all here tonight because of something that's been bothering me for a bit now."

They were all confused but Shikamaru and Kakashi had an idea to why they called all of the genins and the sensei's in her office.

"Did Naruto seem weird to you today?" Jiraiya stood up and asked them.

"Yeah he gave us flowers earlier then left all of a sudden" Ino said showing them her flower that Naruto gave.

"Did everyone get a flower from Naruto?" 

All of them pulled out a yellow flower.

"Ino your family own a flower shop right?" Tsunade asked the blonde

"Yes hokage-sama." she replied quickly.

"Do these flowers have any meaning to them?"

"Uhm.." Ino was thinkiing because she was scanning through the flowers in her head.

"Hokage-sama! if I may." Sakura interupted.

"Go ahead Sakura."

"Ino remember the book about flowers we read earlier." she said putting her hands on Ino shaking her a bit.

"Ah!" Ino had finally remembered.

"What is it" Choji asked munching on his chips

"The yellow tulips! Yellow tulips signify happiness, cheerfulness and hope. Tulips also have other colors like purple, pink, red and white." 

"great but why would Naruto give it to all of us?' Kurenai asked looking at the flower. Naruto gave Asuma and her a red flower."

"Asuma sensei, the red tulip means love!" Ino shouted making the two who received the red flower blush. 

everyone laughed at the two

after a few minutes of them talking about random things an ANBU knocked on the door.

"Come in" Tsunade said loudly. The ANBU entered the room and came to whisper something into the hokage's ear.

"No no no no NO!" she shouted repeatedly making all of them confused. The ANBU put his head down waiting for a response.

"Hokage-sama?" the Kakashi questioned.

"Tsunade what happened!?" jiraiya tried comforting her trying to get her to say something but she wouldn't stop crying

"what happened?" Asuma asked the ANBU standing there

"A boy that looked like he was about 13 years old with blonde hair, blue and orange clothing was seen in a pool of blood by ANBU who were doing night shifts in the village. He was seen dead, estimated time was about a few hours ago. By the looks of it, it seemed that he killed himself by jumping off the hokage statues."

All of them were shocked by the news. They all wanted to deny who they thought it was. 

The ANBU continued 

"He was identified as... Naruto Uzumaki." 

They all couldn't believe it. They didn't want to. 

Hinata fell on her knees crying Kiba and Shino tried comforting her but even they were on the verge of crying.

A few tears left Kurenai's eye's. She leaned towards Asuma who was also saddened by the sudden death.

Lee was crying dramatically as well as Tenten while Neji tried to comfort them.

Guy looked down on the floor preventing tears from coming out.

Kakashi didn't know how to feel. He had lost another person in his life, this time it was his student. Tears fell from his eye, he stood there not knowing what to do again.

Choji stopped eating and put his head down, he had lost his apatite after hearing about his friends death.

Shikamaru thought to himself "it all makes sense now, why he was acting weird and giving out flowers. even when we went to eat at his favorite ramen shop he was quiet, it was as if he'd been thinking about it. but why would he kill himself? that I can't seem to understand."  he was sad to hear about his death.

Sakura and Ino stood in shock trying to prosses the news. Tears fell from both of their eyes.

and finally Sasuke. 

a/n : and that the is end of this chapter!

Next chapter will be written in Sasuke's pov.

Naruto killed himself what now?

I had to stop here because i was losing braincells and it already surpassed a thousand words. i kinda wanted to limit each chapter to a thousand words only so yeah.

anyways hope you guys like this chapter and vote! ty

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