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are you okay?


"where are you going?"

she asked to no response, he left.

it was a cold night. The wind blew strong, the sounds of the leaves falling into a scatter and the bright moon that gave light to the gloomy city. 

He stood at the very top of the tallest building.

Looking far across the city, wondering where things had gone wrong. The breezy nights were his only escapes. The thoughts that surrounded his head were never ending. 

could it be that the night was calling out to him?

but all that the boy could see with his glazed blue eyes was a world painted in crimson red.

from the moment his very own brother took the lives of his beloved parents and clan to the death of his one and only best friend. It seemed as if the world was against him. Taking each and every bit of joy in his life away from him.

crying was no longer an option for him as the tears in his eyes have now dried up. Countless nights he'd stay awake doing nothing at all, staring into the abyss memories amiss. 

his daily routine consisted of him either getting up from bed after no sleep at all or just not waking up from his deep slumber; never in between. 

If he did choose to wake up, he would unconsciously go to the same place every single time without  a doubt.


There he sat right by the tombstone of a young man. A couple of flowers; ranging from yellow tulips, to red roses, surrounding the flat cemented slap that had the name 'Naruto Uzumaki' written on top of it.

There was never a day he'd miss spending time in this place. From dusk till dawn, he'd stay up just to look at a clear nothing. Always seemed to be lost in thought.

Kakashi would drop by sometimes to check up on the boy. He'd never say it to his face but he truly did care about the kid. Often bringing him food or at least a bit of entertainment trying to cheer him up.

Sakura would be no different. She'd take time off her busy day studying to visit both her closest friends. To great one and check up on the other, making sure at the very least he was still healthy and eating right. 

She'd pick up conversations every so often about the time they'd spent together as kids but that only ended up with her crying and him not knowing how to console her. 

Hours turned to days, days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and months turned to year. And just like that, they were now 17. Full fledged shinobis with distinct positions in Konohagakure.


hy shit, ok im okay

i had the urge to yet again write and continue this but dont expect much from me but still

girl imso godam tired uf shit like hello

anyways I had a change of heart and decided after three or four months of not updating this to update like miss ma'am we reached 1.6 FUkinaG K VIEWSSS 

Thanks as always and ill try my best loves

ANyways im tired bye love

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