memories of you

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I don't actually remember anything


Most of that time I pretend I knew but in fact I didn't. 

I kept trying to remember who it was but when I saw you, It felt a little clearer. But it wasn't entirely you.

Half beneath the memories I held were hazy, like a blur passing by. I remember nothing from the past of you and I..

Most say that we were as close as brothers, like brothers from another mother. Then again I can't really clearly see what was going on, all I remember was waking up at dawn in place a where you were gone.

I've tried to recall, but to no avail; there were no memories of us at all. Maybe those memories laced far beyond what my mind could remember but this feeling of love from you still lingers. 

Over and over and over again and again and again I kept going to the same old place.

Like a dog trying to find his owner, I waited hours and hours but nothing ever came.

It was as if on instinct I'd be there.

An old tree that sat on a huge cliff over viewing what had seemed to be a prosperous village filled with lively people. The buzzling noise a lived in city. Crowds all over the place, children laughing, old people talking; just all in all a happy place.

But somehow, in my point of view, it all seemed so dreadful.

Like a arrow that had struck directly at my heart killing me by the minute.

I couldn't look at it the same way a normal person would.

I felt the hatred deep inside me come out ever now and then. 

I couldn't stay watching over that village without having felt a heavy heart.

But I kept on coming back.


The sun had already set. The bright lit stars looked over me as I walked through the unfamiliar village. An unsettling feeling coming through. 

I looked over to see a ramen shop. It had a cloth made sign with the words 'Ichiraku Ramen' embedded to it. I went inside and expected no less a man cooking a bowl of noodles for the other customers.

"Welcome to Ichiraku ramen, what can I get'ya?" a girl who looked a little bit older than me had asked cheerfully as she held out a small notebook and pen in hand.

"a bowl of Miso Tonkotsu.." The words slipped right out of my mouth.

"kay' that'll be ready in a bit!" she then left to cook the meal.

This place felt somewhat familiar. As if I'd been here before..with someone. 

As i got lost in my thoughts, I felt a stare coming from what seemed to be another customer.

I turned to my right to confirm, and there he was.




anyways I have yet to proofread this so pardon me for my stupid ass' mistakes

out of topic but yieeee i had my nails done today they be looking cute asf 

so for this story i really have no fucking clue where going at but like guess who he  i talkin bout is anfdacns djl

also saw that s2 of jjk is out

BITCH Ima be up till like 5 tom just to finish s1, jjk0 and fucking s2 like girl

but anyways thats all love mwah

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