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Five years. It's been five years since Berk's transition into a dragon friendly island and now Stoic even has his own.

Everyone was home, in dragon racing. Well, everyone except Snotlout and I.

We had flown to an empty island to get some time away from everyone. Nova and Hookfang were playing in the distance, rolling in the grass and jumping on and off of trees.

"It's funny. So much has changed becuase of you and that twerp of a man you call your brother." Snotlout said, sighing as he leaned against his elbows.

"Hey, be nice." I rolled my eyes and turned towards him. "You think we should get out of here soon? Hiccup might already be back at Berk."

"Ahh, we can stay here a little longer. Let Hookfang and Nova play for a bit." He pushed himself into a sitting position. He cupped my cheeks and kissed me, I squealed as he pushed me onto my back and laid on top of me. "It's been two years and I feel like we never get anymore alone time."

"It's Hiccup. With him asking us to help him find new islands..."

"I know, I know. But, I have a solution." He reached up and stroked the hair out of my face.

"Whats that?"

"You, me, Hookfang, and Nova all get our own place." My eyes widened and I opened my mouth but he covered it. "Hear me out first! We're both adults, we've been together for five years, and I think it's time we take the next step."

He moved his hand and waited for me to answer. I smiled brightley at him and pushed him off of me enough to sit up. "Are you serious?"

"Dead serious."

I jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. "Yes, yes, yes!" I pulled away from him. "I have to tell Nova!" I jumped up and ran over to the dragon who was pinning Hookfang aginst the ground.

"Nova!" I yelled, jumping on top of her. "He finally asked." Nova perked up, tilting her head at me. She sprung off of Hookfang and started bouncing around before bucking me off of her and grabbing Snotlout with her talons.

She shot up to the sky, tossing Snotlout around like he was a sheep. I turned to Hookfang and jumped on top of him. He shot up after Nova and Hiccup.

"Bad Nova!" I heard Snotlout screaming. Nova had ended up tossing Snotlout onto her saddle. He sighed heavily, glancing down at Hookfang and I. "I'm guessing she's happy."

Snotlout had decided it was time to head back to Berk, but I still wanted to explore any surrounding islands. So, Nova and I stayed out.

He flew around for another hour or so, when we heard yelling in the water below us. "They will not get away! We will get those dragons."

"Nova, lower." Nova looked at me worriedly. "Slow, girl. It'll be alright... I hope." Nova let out a small whimper to my words.

But, she followed my instructions. Slowly she lowered and we saw ships in front of a fort covered in ice. No was yelling anymore, only talking in low voices. "Get closer." I whispered to her. She swooped down and landed on the fort behind the men.

But they weren't speaking at all. The men were standing before their weapons, all of them were prepping them. Then, the man in the middle of them all turned around with an evil smirk. "Another night fury. Our lucky day."

"Shoot." I gulped before standing my ground. "She's a Light fury, actually." I sassed. "Who are you?"

"My apologies. I am Eret, son of Eret. And might I say, what a lovely dragon. You wouldn't mind if I could just take her from you, yes?"

"Over my cold dead body." I spat, sitting proud atop Nova. She sprouted her teeth and growled at the men.

"So be it." Eret smirked and turned to the men. The second we could, Nova and I shot into the sky. Bolas' and nets whizzed passed our heads before one of them eventually captured us.

Nova and I were plummeting to the ground, she had wrapped her wings around me before we made impact. "Not so sassy now, are we? Take them to him, we can't risk her friends coming."


"Audenzia is out there, you can't just close the island!" I said, following after Hiccup and his father.

"Snotlout's right, dad. What if Drago captures her and nova, who knows what'll happen. We have to go save her."

"And we will, once we know you weren't followed here." I scoffed at his words. He wants to be that way, fine.

I stormed off, going to get Hookfang. As the door was sliding shut, I jumped on him and flew out of the dragon den. I soon noticed Hiccup and Astrid behind close behind.

"She better not be hurt." I muttered to Hookfang. He let out a small roar, telling me he agreed as we flew the same path we were on earlier. "Or else it's my fault."


I squirmed, Nova was groaning next to me. We were inside a cage, on a boat, on our way to a mystery.

"Let us go!" I screamed, slamming my shoulder against the cages door.

"Bosses orders, sweets." Nova was growling, I looked back and she was building up plasma.

"No!" I rushed over to her and clamped her mouth shut. She had a leather strap around her mouth, if she shot plasma it would hurt her.

"Sit tight, little girl. It's gonna be a long day... for you."


I think we arrived. The boat has docked, and the crewmen had kneeled as someone boarded.

"Unlock it." He grumbled, pointing to the cage. The man from earlier, had come to the cage and unlocked the padlock.

The man behind him, came to us and threw him aside. The man was larger than most, larger than Stoic.

He had long dreads that blended into his beard, beads designing them.

I got into a defensive stance and backed towards Nova, she nudged me behind her and stood up towards the man.

"A light fury, how... rare." He grumbled, pointing a bull hook towards her. He smirked before he began to yell, swinging his bull hook over his head like a madman.

Nova perked up, her body went stiff as she face the man head on. The man had used his bull hook to point to his left.

Nova roared and shot out of the cage. "What is your name?" The man asked after Nova had disappeared.

I stayed silent, glaring at the man. He grabbed my bicep and yanked me out of the cage and onto the floor.

I groaned and looked back at the man. I brought my leg back and went to kick his, but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me up.

"That will not work here." He flipped me over his shoulder and began to bring me somewhere.

Off of the boat, off of the docks, into the snow... and into a cave.

I was thrown onto the ground again, but now there was a older woman there and standing over me.

She looked like Gothi, but she couldn't be.

"Put her under."

Kings and Queens - A Snotlout FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now