Chapter 18: Open Wounds

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" Where did you go? You've been gone for a day!" Dad said while giving me his death glare.

I swallowed hard.

"I just went to visit an old friend of mine. Look, I'm sorry, Dad."

"You're lying! I heard of what had happened to you. You were sent to the prison because of inflicting damage to most of the citizens. And look at you now... sneaking out with something you've done with disgrace. You are really a shame, my boy. Your little alibi won't work anymore."

Dad grabbed me by the collar and said,
"Tonight, we're going to have fun with you." He finally let me go and he motioned his drunkard friends to carry me to my bedroom.

I backed away to the door but one of his friends punched me on the face. I fell to the floor in pain. They carried me to... I mean they grabbed my leg and pulled me to my bedroom upstairs. That's right! They PULLED ME up the stairs. My poor head hitting against the steps.

As we reached my bedroom, they started bashing the hell out of me. Troy, one of Dad's friends, grabbed me by the wrist and twisted it."

"Aahh! No!!! Noooo!!!"

He stopped when he noticed that I've been cutting.

"Hey, Billy. Your son's been cutting. Should we stop?"

I was hoping he's gonna take pity on me... but instead, he said these words that left tears on my soft cheeks.

"Nah. If he cuts, that means he likes the pain. Why don't we amputate his fingers instead?"

"Now that's a good idea." Ray said with a thick British accent.

My dad took a saw from his bedroom.

"I've been waiting for a long time to use this."

He grinned at me eerily and placed the cold metal on my skin. And then, he started slicing only a bit. I know that he's not gonna cut my arm but if he does, I'll never be able to forgive him.


I felt it touched my bones. Oh, holy sh*t! He's gonna really cut it!

"Dad, enough already! I'm never gonna forgive you...'

Billy's POV
"... if you keep on doing this! I swear! I'll forget you as my FATHER!"

Those words strucked me hard. Crud... he's still my son! I stopped cutting him but HE STILL NEED TO PAY FOR HIS MOTHER'S DEATH! I smashed his head on the floor. Blood gushed out from his deep cut earlier and his nose. He looked deep inside me with those painful and teary innocent eyes. That won't stop me! I gave Ray a claw-him-on-the-face-look. Ray nodded and claw him hard on the face.

John's POV
As Ray's fingernails got deeper down my face, agony came over me. It's so painful! His fingernails got even deeper down my cuts. It feels like it's blazing down with fire. This is even worst than dying! Troy did the worst one. He went over me and poked my sliced arm with a long stick. He circled it all around until he regained a small chunk of my flesh.

I feel so broken! Why is my own flesh and blood letting this happen? I turned my attention to my demonic father. He's laughing at my pain. I can't believe this!

He stood up from his chair and kicked my back. I heard a bone cracked. I'm too scared to move.

"Dad, why? I love you... you said you would protect me... why did you betray me?" I said, whimpering.

He hissed at me like an animal and said, "You're such a failure! You can't do anything right! I WISH YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN BORN!"

I was lost in time. Those last words... were they true? Does Dad really want to annihilate me? I lie there, broken and battered. My eyes were beginning to close because they punched it hard earlier. I can't bare to live like this... my own father hates me! It isn't my fault why my mother died. I need her back! If only I could turn back time, I would've prevented her death. Why did God forsake me?

I shed a tear from those thoughts. I jolted from those thoughts and turned my attention back to my father again. He and his gang were starting to leave.

"A not so good night, my dear. I wish you'll have nightmares from the bottom of my heart!" he said while turning off the light. He tossed the bottle of beer he was holding to me. It landed on my back and the liquid from it started to go inside my wounds. He chuckled.

"Ahh! Fuc*!"

"And by the way, he added, I hired a lawyer to defend as to the court tomorrow. You should thank me, I'm still acting as a father to you."

They all left me in this cold prison with me laying the freezing floor. Afraid to ever move. Afraid that I'll make another mistake again. I WANT TO DIE.

My father left without love and care...
he left me with pain, scars, and OPEN WOUNDS."

(A/N: Was it too long? *vomits* I feel sick. Sorry if this chapter was too extreme. Anyhow, feel free to go to the nearest sink and bathroom to start vomiting. I'll be here to comfort you.

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