Chapter 19: Judgement

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I woke up with a whip on my leg.

"Wake up, sleepy head. We're gonna be late."

I sat up on the floor. I groaned, my wounds still hurts... especially my arm and back. He tossed me a pair of long sleeve shirt, jacket, and pants.

"I ain't gonna save your ass. You're on your own... but I'll be there to watch your mouth. You ought to watch what you are saying 'cause if you don't, you know what's coming!" he threatened me.

He pulled my arm and poured some alcohol to it.


"Shut up! I'm trying to clean it."

Dad got a bandage and wrapped it up.

"Here's the plan: we will act that we still care for each other, okay? And if things get messy... I hate to say it but- maybe I will save your ass."

He left my room and I carefully dressed up, not wanting to hit my cuts.

*Time Skips to the Court*
Oh my gosh! A lot of people are here! They're all gonna watch me... oh, man. Lord, watch over me.

The judge came in and ordered us to sit. Dad gave me a spank on the butt without anyone noticing.
"John, this is Atty. Harper. If you mess anything, I swear-"

"-Please keep quiet, ladies and gentlemen, Mr. John Cooper, will you please come forward."

I nervously walked to the front and sat down to one of the chairs. An attorney coming from one of my victims came to interview me. I don't even know what to say. Her client was the innocent child that I almost slaughter. I feel so guilty... I dunno how to react. She came closer to me and began to speak.

"Tell me, what made you do this?"

"I-I was depressed and I didn't know what was happening."

"And what made you depressed?"

I looked over my father. He's the main reason why everything went to chaos. He glared at me.

"It's because... my mother died."

"And why would you even harm all the citizens? Has something happened to you recently?"

"I-I..." I was completely speechless.

My attorney stood up and said, "Objection, your honor. She's not going straight to the point."

The fight went on and on until,
"Mr. Cooper is not guilty due to depression and excused in this case. The government will provide the victims proper treatment. This case is top secret and closed." the judge declared.

I dunno how we did it but I'm scared of going home. If only there's a ticket or shortcut to Heaven. I glanced over to my dad.

He was maliciously smiling at me.

(A/N: Sorry if this was a bit crappy. I'm not really interested in trials or something. Anyways, let's all be glad that John is free but... what other horrors will he face? ;))

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