Xiao X Reader (Genshin impact)

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'I'm going to die.' You thought to yourself as you fell from the mountain peak holding onto a bunch of Qingxin flowers. Too exhausted to do anything, you always knew this day may come adventuring... always doing dangerous things? It was bound to happen eventually although you didn't want it to happen this way.

As upsetting as it was to die this way you didn't mind, life had its ups and downs more downs than ups. You decided you were satisfied with life, you made tons of friends the most important one though? His name was Xiao, he was a very standoffish type of person but you understood why once you learned more.

It would be unfortunate if you could never see him again... surely that's what going to happen. "Ah, is this regret...? Will Xiao think of me as selfish for this?" You mumbled as your grip on the Qingxin tightened.

You closed your eyes as you braced for impact, then? Moments before hitting the ground you felt a pair of arms around you as the fall to the ground came to a halt.

"Mortals truly are foolish, even you." A condescending voice spoke to you, it was none other than Xiao, he sat you on the ground as he crossed his arms.

"Eheheh.... sorry, I thought I was going to die. It wasn't scary as I thought, I was happy with my life to that point so even if I had died I know it wouldn't have been in vain." You stood up and smiled, still holding those Qingxin flowers that meant nothing yet so much.

Xiao scoffed at your response "Your death wouldn't have been in vain? True, but... people would've missed you."

"I know that. People... get over it eventually, I was never really close enough with anyone to care. You understand, right?"

"I do. I'm leaving now." Xiao almost looked visibly upset at the thought of nobody missing you, mostly because he knew he'd miss you. Yet, you don't think that and that breaks his heart.

"Wait...! I got these for you." You walked up to Xiao and grabbed his hand, placing a bunch of Qingxin flowers in his hand.

Xiao looked down at the flowers you gave him before suddenly disappearing, you giggled.

"I think he was embarrassed." Walking down the various paths of Liyue on your way back to the inn was no easy ordeal, especially since your legs were still wobbly from almost dying.

"I think he might actually be mad at me... he says he doesn't feel human emotions but I don't believe that. Or maybe he feels emotions stronger than humans ... would that mean it's worse when he's upset or mad?" You were talking about this... to yourself, like a crazy person. Honestly, he could be watching you and hearing you say this but you would have clue now that you think about it.

Once at the inn you decided to rest on the balcony right outside the reception area, due to it being night at an unusually dark one at that it was perfect for sleeping.  The wonderful receptionist even gave you a few blankets to lay on top of so your weren't uncomfortable. What a kind lady.

Usually at this time of night you'd see Xiao around, but he wasn't this time. Perhaps duties, perhaps he was avoiding you? It was worrying but you can't do much, going to look for him wouldn't be a good idea as you'd likely never find him.

"Ah... it's a nice night, lonely though."  You mumbled to yourself, feeling your body temperature lower as it got colder in the dead of night. Surely you were going to catch a cold which wouldn't be ideal, although it wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen.

Drifting off to sleep as the wind blew throughout Liyue, the gentle noise of leaves rustling in the wind was enough to calm anyone.

Despite this in your sleeping state you couldn't help but worry, in your dreams that sight of nearly dying played over and over.

After about three hours of miserable sleep you had woken up in a cold sweat, sitting up and looking around you saw Xiao sitting on the railings of the balcony.

"Ah? You're here... I should've expected much. Glad to know your doing fine though, I was worrying a bit." You smiled, standing up and walking towards Xiao, yet you felt like you couldn't get near despite standing next to him.

His silence spoke more than him actually saying something, was he still mad? Surely not.

Putting your hand on his shoulder you felt him physically tense up, was he not used to physically touch? I would make a lot of sense if he weren't.

"It's going to be okay... Xiao." Your smile was soft and heartwarming, you tried to give reassurance just through a smile, yet knowing it wasn't enough you couldn't think of anything else.

"Okay...? You almost died Y/n... how could you say it's going to be okay!?" Xiao looked at you, the look he gave you was almost as if he'd seen a ghost. You've never seen him so hurt, so shocked, so scared. It was something you'd never thought you'd witness, seeing him in this state hurt you greatly, surely it would hurt anyone.

You sighed, pulling him into a tight and warm hug. "I'm sorry... I really am. I don't want to hurt you. I... I never wanted to die, I just... thought in the moment it wouldn't have been so bad."

"It's okay Y/N..." Xiao reciprocated the hug as a small smile spread across his face.

(Uh open ended Because this has been in my drafts for months now)

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