(monster camp) Milo x reader

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Haha Milo Pretty 😳

"WE ARE GOING TO SUMMER CAMP MY DEAR Y/N" a familiar voice shouted in your living room, you looked up from your phone and gave Milo and pure look of disgust.

"I didn't sign up for this... so you're going by yourself." You commented on this obvious fact as you went back to looking at stuff on your phone.

"Listen Babe I signed you up for it, we're going together so we can get some action you got that?" Milo sat next to you and crossed his legs while looking at your phone.

"Ughhh, what's with the nicknames again? I'm not going anyway, can't make me." Your groaned in annoyance while you pushed Milo's face away from you since it was a bit to close even though they were just looking at your phone.

"Listen Y/N you're being lazy again! Now, you're coming wether you like it or not!"

And that's how it started, a week later your at this stupid summer camp with Milo. Did you want this? No. Did you try to run and hide before the camp? Yes. Did Milo find you? God yes.

So, you decided to walk in the woods with Brian since you both likes video games and such.

"So Y/N do you like Milo? You two live together so I thought I'd ask." Brian was obviously just trying to make conversation which you liked a lot but the question was somewhat bothersome.

"Seriously? Out of all the questions... I don't we are just friends, I've known them for a long time so it was just natural we moved in together. Problem is that we don't work together well in one living space." You started slamming your head against a tree just in pure annoyance of having to answer that question, you dont like them, do you?

"Calm down Y/N I was just messing with you, didn't have to answer the question." Brian chuckled and grabbed your shoulder pulling you back from the tree.

You looked at Brian and just punched him as hard as you could which wasn't even that hard at all. You then just walked back to the main camp area and sat at the campfire.

Soon enough Milo walked up behind you and wrapped one of their arms around you and the other hold the phone out.

You looked at the camera of the phone then at Milo, you sighed and smiled to the camera as they took at picture then posted it.

"Milo what do you want...? I'm busy." You scowled, crossing your arms as you stared at the fire informs of you.

"Busy doing what exactly Babe? Anyway, I have this real amazing video to show you, it's of Dahlia." Milo sat next to you as they pulled the video up from their phone.

"I'm not interested in the video, even if it's of Dahlia. Now leave me be." You scooted farther away from Milo.

Milo just let you be since it was obvious you were in some strange mood.

Later everybody and their respective groups were sleeping in separate cabins, you couldn't really sleep so you decided on the best thing ever!

You were going to go swimming in the lake, middle of the night? Who cares about that. You got your swimsuit on and headed to the lake.

Immediately diving into the cold water since if your whole body goes in at once it won't be as cold.

After what seemed to be 30 minutes or so you saw Milo walked over here so you got out and waved.

"Hm Y/N babe! Didn't expect to see you out this  late a night, surprised you were able to sneak out! I barely was able to myself." Milo smiled warmly as he sat down in front of the lake.

"I see, well I was easy for me...  guess it depends on who's watching each cabin during the night." You laughed lightly and sat next to Milo.

"Glad to see your done being cold with me. Now let's talk, why have you been so distant with me?" Milo's voice had gotten much more serious than it was a mere second ago which honestly caught you off guard.

"Have I? Hm... I guess I never noticed I was, I'm not particularly sure why I am. I don't want to be distant with you since your my friend but I just seem to be doing it without realizing." You nervously chuckled as you realized how fucked up what you've been doing was, it's not the worst thing of course but it's fucked up nonetheless.

"Well if that's the case then..." Milo's seriousness didn't fade, he stood up and then suddenly you felt a bunch of water hit you in the face as they snickered and ran into the lake.

"Huh!? Did you just... where did you get a water balloon!?" You stood up yelling bat him as you chased him into the lake, you splashed them with water once you got close enough.

"There's the Y/N I know and love!" Milo shouted happily as they splashed you with water as retaliation for you doing it.

After an hour of playing in the lake you both got out and sat down, you were both very out of breathe but you both had fun and were giggling like idiots.

"It's been awhile since we've had fun like that... you always were just doing your own thing all alone all the time. We're you lonely all those times." Milo looked up at the stars, their smile was warm and happy something you loved to see from them because I made you just as happy.

You pulled your knees up to your chest and wrapped your arms around your legs, "was I lonely....? I think so, it's all just hazy I wasn't sure what I was doing with myself, you know?" Your small smiled turned into what was a frown maybe, you didn't really know.

"Well it doesn't matter anyway, Babe." Milo pushed your body gently onto the ground, they got on top of you and started kissing your neck.

"Eh!? Milo... what are you doing..." you put your hand on their back not entirely rejecting what they were doing but you were confused as hell.

"You know I don't call you Babe for no reason, I like you a lot." Milo hummed against your neck as they said those words before biting down and leaving a hickey.

Safe to say you had some pretty rockin sex, and what's more romantic than sex next to a lake in the middle of the night with a person you didn't realize you love?

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