Clementine X reader (Stray)

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(This takes place about a year before stray itself~)

Unsurprisingly Midtown has a lot of pollution compared to down in the Slums, None of them would notice they thought. They're not organic to say the least..  after all robots are just metals and other things. You on the other hand? You're human, how? To answer simply you were frozen in the control room when this all started. You had only recently gotten unfrozen due to one of the robots accidentally somehow breaking the machine you were in.

You only had recently went down to midtown as you had not much of choice at this point. Why? Food. There wasn't really anything left to eat up in the control room left. Even if there was food it was definitely inedible by now. On another note, surprisingly you could understand what the robots would say. You're not exactly sure as to why, maybe you just overheard them subconsciously so much you started to understand. Who knows.

Anyway, Midtown. You had just arrived a few hours ago, it was a very pretty place full of life well.. the closest thing you'll get to life! Surprisingly, none of them really seemed to question your existence all that much. You were clueless as to why, considering you haven't seen another human you'd think they'd be inclined to question you but apparently not.

Fortunately for you, you were able to get an apartment to live in... well not exactly a nice one but it was better than nothing, it was on the third floor near the stairs, you had noticed that one of the apartment doors was slightly boarded up.

Does anyone even live there? Who knows. You don't that's for sure.

"What should I do? I've been here for awhile, all I've been able to eat is some stupid plants that don't taste well" you mumbled to yourself sitting on the floor of your apartment. Getting yourself up from the floor and looking out your ever so tiny window you saw the boarded up door open.

You Y/N are stupid, and as stupid people do you had a thought that could definitely get you in trouble. This thought you may ask? 'What if I go in there and see if there is food!' Well, it wasn't exactly stupid per se but could be dangerous. So you did exactly that, after waiting for the robot to leave to apartment you went inside and started rummaging through the kitchen. 

"cmon there has to be something, anything at all that's edible. Human's definitely lived here at one point so there must be some stuff left, though.. who knows how long it's been." You whined and whispered to yourself. Right as you closed the drawer you heard the door open and then close, quickly turning around you were faced with a robot holding a metal rod getting ready to hit you, granted as fair as that is you couldn't help but be a bit scared.

You slowly put your hands up as the robot lowered the weapon.

"Im so sorry... I was just looking for something to eat and I well... uh." As you tried to explain yourself the robot just looked at you and then smiled? Or you think it's smiling at least.

"You're a human! A real living human, how did you get here? Did you come from outside. My name is clementine what about you?" Clementine got quite close to you to the point you were just a few inches away from each other. The led on her face went from a smile to a heart.

"Um.. outside? No.. my name is Y/N I came from this place that is kind of far from here, I think it might be a way to the outside though.." You tried to answer as best as you possibly could, both panicked and slightly scared for what could happen to you.

"Oh. I see. Come sit down, tell me everything you know." Clementine gestured towards the living area of the apartment.


And just like that you two had become great friends, months had passed and you two got to know each other really well. You practically became an inseparable pair. She manages to get you food and clothes and way to clean yourself, just for information about everything you know. It's quite nice. She even lets you sleep at the apartment.

"So Clem... where did all the humans even go, surely I am not the only one around right?" You questioned as you sat on a pillow and covered in a blanket next to her. You were actually a bit sick from living in these conditions but you were by no means going to die anytime soon.

"Oh, well they all died off a long time ago, everyone got very sick and you can guess what happened next." Clementines LED turned into a sad face, she had sat next to you with her arms around her legs, which for some reason you find quite cute.

Robots mimicking human, maybe this is just what's left of them, just robots that follow in the paths that humans built.

"That's sad. I wonder if anyone outside is alive? That'd be nice right? I'm sure you all want to leave, being stuck here for so long must not be great."

"Yes, I do want to leave and so do my friends, remember the ones I told you about? Perhaps you should try to go see them when you are in better health?"

"Maybe? I don't know, I've felt this way for months now and I'm only feeling worse as time passes, it could be awhile before my health gets better." You sighed and then sneezed really hard to the point it hurt. It's not fun living this way, you've only explored around midtown a handful of times aswell, not much to see after the tenth time. Plus, Clementine doesn't really seem to like you leaving all that much.

"Why don't you get some rest? I can carry you up the ladder so you don't have to move so much." Clementine stood up and picked you up with ease as she carried you up the ladder you couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"What's so funny Y/N?"
"Oh nothing"

Clementine sat you on a mattress, well not mattress but a bunch of pillows and blankets set up to be like one. After the first few times of her noticing you had trouble sleeping she made a makeshift bed for you which was nice but oddly enough it made you a bit sad.

Laying down on your back you just stared up at the ceiling "what will I ever do? I am so far, the only person down here who's human. I can't ever have a boyfriend or girlfriend no one... it's just me." You spoke in a sad and calm tone. The realization you're the only person here really sucked.

"Why do humans want love so much?" Clementine questioned as she fiddled around with some of the things on one of the shelves.

"I guess it's just the natural goal for most humans, some don't want love though which is fine but alot do. Companionship is something everyone wants, even more so when you love a person. You seem to have emotions from what I've seen, maybe you've felt love." Your somewhat depressing serious tone turned into a very jokey one as you didn't wanna ruin the conversation with something depressing.

"Can you explain how it feels? We as robots have developed emotions. Overtime it just happened. Though, not sure about love."

"Well you see Clem, there are many different types of love but there are two that are really important, Romantic love and Family love. In the most simple terms family love is unconditional it's just something you feel for the people who are close to you, on the other hand Romantic love is much more passionate and make you feel strange and want to do things with the other person... like kissing for example! When two people love each other romantically they'll kiss on the lips and such... they sometimes do more than that but I don't want to say it, it's quite embarrassing." Your face felt hotter and redder as you went on about love, such stuff like this is embarrassing to talk about and explain to someone.

"So family love is like Doc and Seamus. Remember the two I told you about from the slums? That's them... and romantic love is Me and you..." Clementine turned towards you, her LED had a blush on it and a small smile.

"Huh? W..WHAT!?" You didn't think your face could get any redder yet here it was, you and a tomato would look like siblings. 

"W-What do you mean by that Clementine!?" You sat up from the make-shift mattress and just looked at her in disbelief.

Clementine simply walked up to you then got on her knees so you two were face to face. She put her hands on your cheeks and pressed her face against yours, attempting to kiss you the best way she could as well... she doesn't exactly have a human face now does she?

After a moment she pulled herself away from you and simply said "Y/N I think I'm in love with you. I know our time together has only been for a few months but you are the most fascinating person I've ever met."

You just sat there, unable to form any type of words. Just complete shock and disbelief. Of course, you were happy about this but would never expect this type of outcome.

Anyway, I'll make a part 2 whenever could be a week from now could be a month from now who knows.

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