(The distortionist) Christopher peirre x reader

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Christopher and you had been dating for months now yet you barely knew anything about him, he was always distant from you so you decided you'd try to get to know him better.

Besides Christopher being usually distant he had been acting weird as of late which made you worry. You knocked on the door of his house and waited for him to answer, after what had felt like 30 minutes when in reality it was like 5 he finally answered.

"Hello, Dear. I'm surprised you've come to see me." Christopher looked at you and smiled softly, he let you inside and closed the door afterward.

"Well you shouldn't be, I mean we've been dating for months! You've been distant even more than usual so I thought I'd come to see you." You wrapped your arms around Christopher's waist and laid your head on his chest.

"I see, well I didn't mean to seem so distant my dear y/n. I have my reasons for it though." Christopher looked down at you, he placed his hand on top of your head and petted you.

"I know but you won't talk to me about it which is frustrating enough, I won't push my luck and try to make you talk." You mumbled and looked up at Christopher.

"Y/N? I have a question for you." Christopher took a step back from you, he looked you in the eyes which were strangely scary.

"What is it? Did I do something wrong?" You were filled with doubt all of a sudden, you felt like you did something wrong.

"Do you think I'm a good person Y/N!?" Just as Christopher asked that question you realized he pinned you to the ground, he was on top of you looking at you with what seemed like sadness in his eyes or perhaps it was something else.

"Y-Yes Christopher.... please let go of my wrists it hurting me!" You clenched your hands into fists just trying to move them but they wouldn't even budge.

Christopher just looked at you and shook his head, suddenly he kissed you roughly, his knee shifted into the mid of your legs.

You struggled beneath Christopher as he kissed you, you really just wanted him to let go of you at this point, you could feel your wrists becoming numb as his grip on them tightened.

[timeskip because ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]

Just a few hours ago you were chatting happily with friends and now you're in a pitch-black room.

You stood up and looked for a wall just to you could see if you could find an escape. It took a weirdly longer than it should which made you question how big this room actually was.

Your head felt like it was spinning and it hurt quite a bit, you followed the walls until you reached what you think was a door. You put your hand on the knob and twisted it, to your surprise it actually opened "He must've forgotten to lock it..." you mumbled as you stepped out the room, you looked out a nearby window to see how bad it was storming which was strange enough.

You let out a small sigh and then felt a pair of arms around your waist which of course scared you. "Don't worry dear it's just me," Christopher whispered in your ear as he rested his head on your shoulder.

"You scared me... so uh Christopher, why was I in that room?" You held his hands softly as worry filled your mind.

"Do you not remember, dear? Well, you said you had a really bad headache so I let you in that room, you must've fallen asleep." Christopher chuckled somewhat nervously, he quickly let go of you and turned around, looking out the window.

"Hm... I guess I don't remember. Is something wrong?" You walked up to Christopher and stood next to him, you had a small smile on your face.

"Not particularly, dear. Do I seem off to you?" Christopher looked at you and tilted his head, after a second he looked back out the window.

"N-No not at all I just... I was just worried." You reached for Christopher's hand but you didn't grab it, you felt scared yet weren't sure why.

"That's good. You shouldn't be worried about me, anyway... it's late I don't think you should go home since it's far so you can stay the night." Christopher seemed a bit mad for one reason or another, he looked at you then walked away.

'Why is he being like this...? I wonder if he hates me' you thought to yourself as you wandered around the house, you suddenly heard to sound of what seemed like glass breaking.

You ran towards the noise just to see Christopher breaking a mirror with a metal bat, you took a step back and hit a wall because you're a dumbass.

Christopher turned his head and looked back at you, his expression was blank. It was terrifying, was this what he was hiding from you?

Despite knowing your better off running away you walked towards him and reached your hand out towards him.

You grabbed onto his shoulder and just as you did he hit you in the knees with his bad with almost inhuman force.

You fell onto the floor and looked up at Christopher as you grabbed onto his leg, "stop... please." You whimpered as tears formed in your eyes.

Christopher just stared at you, his expression went from blank to angry At least from what you could see that's what it was.

Since you couldn't stand up you just pulled Christopher down onto his knees, you wrapped your arms around him and just started bawling your eyes out.

"W-What are you doing Y/N!?" Christopher seemed to have snapped out of whatever mindset he was in, he looked down at you and placed his hand on your head.

You just kept crying as you held onto Christopher, you felt so many emotions at once that you just couldn't understand, the tears wouldn't stop and all Christopher could do was comfort you.

Eventually you fell asleep and Christopher carried you to his room and laid you on his bed. "Y/n... I love you, im sorry for what I did." Christopher laid next to you and whispered apologizes.

It was a interesting day.

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