(Coroika) Half-Rim x reader

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'Worthless' that single word repeated in your head often, why? Because you can't even play turf war or anything that other squids did. Your tentacles could never be one color they always were a gradient of random colors.

You had pretty tentacles that's what everyone says but not to you so you've decided on the genius idea of never going outside.

You laid on your bed thinking to yourself what you could do with yourself but then you heard knocking on your door. You didn't answer the door since your parents would do it, well they did and then your bedroom door opened.

You sat up expecting to see your parents asking you to go outside but it was Half-Rim, "oh... Half-Rim it's you! what do you want?" You sat up and looked at him.

"You shouldn't be in your room all day." Half-Rim looked at you with his usual Pokerface, he sat down next to your at patted your back.

"Yeah.... it doesn't matter what would I even do?  I mean I can't go play turf war with a team or anyone since my ink color can't be just one. I can't do anything without getting stared at because of how I look so there is no reason for me to leave." 

"That's not true. You're unique that's why people look at you." His poker face went to an ever so slightly worried one, he scooted slightly closer to you and grabbed onto your hand, "you're shaking...? Are you really that scared to leave?"

"Yeah, I am! I don't want to leave I want to stay here I don't want people to know I exist.... haha!" You scratched the back of your head as you sighed.

"Doesn't matter. Let's go." Half-Rim's grip on your hand got tighter as he pretty much dragged you out your house.

"......... why are you like this....?"

[Tiny timeskip because I still don't know how to transition]

"What is this Half-Rim why are we at the lobby..." you pouted and crossed your arms.

"We're gonna have a turf war, 1 on 1."

"But I can't do that, why do you keep trying this? I won't be able to." At this point you don't know if your mad with him or just sad, it's hard for you to tell I mean... you like him more than anyone in the world so.

"Don't know if you don't try. Now, what kind of weapon would you like to use y/n?" Half-rim handed you a book with pictures of different weapons in it.

"Hmm, well uh... this one looks kinda cool... but I don't think I could even afford it."  You sighed as you looked into your wallet, all that was there were a few coins.

"I'll buy it for you. All you owe back is a fun game, also for you to smile with true happiness."



{Game Start}

You stood there with your weapon in your hand. The moment you shot some of the floors you looked at the colored ink. All types of colors mixing together yet not mixing to the point where it started to become one color.

"I hate it so much... looking at this but I have to keep going... right? For half-rim... do this for him." You sighed as you painted the area with your weapon, you got visibly more uncomfortable as you did so.

As you got closer to mid you saw that most of it were surprisingly covered in green ink. 'He uses a charger... from what I've seen it shouldn't be this easy to cover the area.'

Right after you finished that thought You were splatted. "Ow... that hurts surprisingly, how do people do this." You sighed as you swam through the ink and as quickly started shooting the area.

After a moment you noticed a laser-like this and quickly moved away, looking back a straight line of green ink was there.

"Scary!!!" You yelled somewhat, you were annoyed and scared still yet almost excited. "Remember your only doing this once and it's for half-rim because you care about him... no other reason." You sighed and swam through the ink.

After a few moments you got out the ink and were behind Half-rim, you pointed your weapon and splatted him, he seemed to smile when you did so which was confusing.

"Why did he smile that stuff hurts... oh well."

{Game end}

You sighed, for some reason you got really nauseous afterward so you went on sat down.

"Y/N are you alright? You don't look well." Half-rim sat at a chair across from you, he seemed somewhat worried yet still had that Pokerface.

"Yeah... I'm fine I feel sick, that's all. So were you happy with that match or whatever...?" You sighed and rested your head on the table.

"You didn't smile, you looked miserable. Do you hate your ink color that much or did you just not like turf war?"

"Both, I hate both. Can I go home now?"

"How about we go to my house and just play card games together? You like that, I want to see you happy."

"What is with you and wanting me to be happy... I don't deserve it. Let's go." You got up and grabbed Half-Rims hand, you pulled him up and half-heartedly smiled.

[Timeskip because idfk]

"I win, easy." You sighed and placed your cards on the table.

You two had been playing card games for about two hours and as much as you love those games you were now bored.

"Wanna do something else Half-rim this is a bit boring, we can keep playing if you want though." you got up and stretched since sitting down for hours wasn't that great.

"Well, it's dark outside. We could stargaze if you'd like." Half-Rim grabbed all the cards and put them in a stack.

"That sounds fun, we can lay on the balcony with some blankets on it." You smiled sweetly and grabbed Half-Rim by his shirt collar.

"Yeah, let's do that." Half-rim moved your hand off him and walked towards his bedroom, he went into the closet and grabbed a futon from the shelf.

"A futon? Isn't that a bit much? I know the floor is uncomfortable and it's cold so it's hard to get warm but still." You giggled softly as you followed him.

"Better to be comfortable than not. Grab two pillows and a blanket if you can."

"I will! You underestimate how strong I am." You grabbed the things half-rim told you to and followed him once again.

Half-rim places down the futon on the balcony and you placed the blankets and pillows on top of them.

You both laid down and stared at the beautiful night sky, a small smile was on your face.

"You like stars, they're pretty but I don't see why you like them so much."  Half-Rim looked at you, he scooted his body slightly closer to yours.

"Huh? Well uh, I'm not sure why. I guess it's because when you see star you think of the universe, there's so much stuff out there we don't know of... it's amazing!" You smiled brightly as you looked at half-rim

"I see, that's cute Y/N."

(I'll make a part 2 I just needed to finish this)

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