(Cytus 2) xenon x reader

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You were drinking at JOEZ cafe since you honestly had nothing else better to do, you were pretty drunk but not drunk enough to the point you couldn't walk.

"Hey Joe... wanna know something about Xenon besides the fact that he's an asshole..." Your words were slurred and your head was resting on the table, "he's not an asshole by any means but I'll listen." Joe laughed.

"So you know how me and Xenon were dating and how I went missing for like two weeks...?" You raised your head to look at Joe properly and because it was harder to drink with your head down. "Yeah I remember that, why did you go missing anyway?" Joe questioned.

"W...Welll you see!! I don't know why I went missing I just decided I'd leave for a while and not post anything...I didn't even go back home...!" You giggled and stood up on a chair, you soon got off the chair and looked at the exit door. "Well y/n that's irresponsible but that's nothing new with you." Joe sighed and looked at you.

"Yep! I'm gonna go now! It's a bit late anyway" you smiled sweetly as you left, the moment you opened the door you were greeted by Xenon, you decided like the irresponsible fool you were to run but before you we're  able to run you felt Xenon's hand on your wrist with surprisingly a lot of force.
"Where have you been Y/N!?" Xenon sounded pissed off. You tried to pull your wrist away while not saying anything.

"Tell me and I'll let go of you, you act like I'm going to hurt y/n which I won't." Xenon dragged you completely out the cafe. "Listen Xenon I just left to do some stuff for a couple of weeks, you know I love you a lot so don't worry about it alright?" You smiled as you obviously were still a bit drunk.

"And what exactly did you go to do anyway? I was worried and I want an explanation." Xenon picked you up since you seemed a bit to out of it to even stand on your own. "It doesn't matter Xenon trust me, okay?" You yawned as you held onto Xenons jacket.

"I do trust you but you're not usually so suspicious with what you do. I'm taking you home since your tired." Xenon walked in the general direction of where your home was as you started falling asleep as he carried you.

"Hey... Xenon... I care for you a lot you know... I want  to protect you...." you managed to mumbled before completely falling asleep the last thing you heard before you did fall asleep was the door to your house opening and him making a confused noise.


You slowly opened your eyes after sleeping for god knows how long, you tried to sit up but felt something on you "hmm...mmm?"  You looked to your side just to see Xenon sleeping next to you, his arms were over your stomach, his head was in the crook of your neck and his legs were in between yours. "Oh... cute...." you whispered while looking at Xenon, you shifted your body slightly.

"I know you can't hear me so I'll just say it... Xenon... I love you and left so I could protect you, that's all I wanted to do.... it worked I'm happy now..." you said in a very soft tone, you closed your eyes and hummed lowly for a moment.

"What did you want to protect me from y/n" Xenons voice was quiet and tired, he held onto you slightly tighter as he looked up at you. "You're awake!?" You were honestly surprised to the point where your body jolted and you almost fell. "Yeah, I have been for the past hour, now tell me what did you want to protect me from?"

"W-Well there was these people... who said they would hurt you if I kept... hanging out with you and they were really scary so I ran away for awhile..." your buried your face into Xenons jacket since you lied and got embarrassed about it.

"Y/N are you lying to me or did you actually  run away because of such a stupid reason?" Xenon sat up and grabbed your shoulder while looking you directly in the eyes. "It's uh... fine I'm lying... the drones and stuff were chasing me so I ran away! I was really scared and didn't know where to go so I just kept running until they stopped." You felt tears forming in your eyes you were so relived yet afraid that you finally told the truth but it was a big weight off your chest.

"Y/N I swear... You can be truly foolish sometimes." Xenon kissed the top of your forehead then laid back down as he held one of your hands. "Very funny... but listen I was really scared and I was going to go to you but I couldn't...!" You whined as you got on top of Xenon and wrapped your arm around him.

"Why couldn't  you exactly? I mean I don't live that far away from you so you could've easily ran to me." Xenon shifted his body slightly, he used his free hand to pull a blanket over your bodies since it was getting colder in the room. "Ahaha... I was really far away at the time, if I would've closer I would've ran straight to you" you yawned and started to fall asleep.

"I see... good enough." Xenon smiled softly then reached to turn off the lamp afterwards he held your body softly as he kissed you on the forehead.

"I love you"

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