(Stray) Clementine x reader final part

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Sitting in a meadow full of beautiful flowers you held Clementines hand. Honestly, it was all you could ever ask for, the sun shining down on your face as the wind blew.

Unfortunately the world isn't that kind and you had woken up. You still in here, outside out of reach. It's not that bad, you have her at least right?

She was sleeping soundly next to you, sometimes you wondered if they truly slept or not. Either way, it's a nice sentiment if she doesn't need sleep but does it for you.

Luckily the numbness in your legs went away, unluckily though you were not looking forward to the long walk all the way back to Midtown. Hopefully this time there's not as many Zurks. You feared for any person or any animal that would end up here in the future, it'll probably be much worse.

You stood up and looked around the small apartment, while clementine slept you figured you might as well do something. You figured you might aswell explore at little.

Leaving the apartment and going down to where most of the other robots were at you walked around with a smile.

You spotted Momo and the distance and ran towards him, "MOMOOOOO!" You shouted, was shouting needed? Not really.

Momo turned around and looked surprised. "Oh Y/N, its you again." He stated, his screen went from a surprise face to a sad face.

"Why are you sad? Is seeing me that bad or something?" You tilted your head as you halted your running.

"I've been meaning to find a way to be able to communicate with the others and since you and clementine are leaving soon I'm not so sure what to do..." Momo looked down in defeat. You thought it was reasonable to be sad about such a thing, though you know you can't help him so you just gave him a big hug.

"Hey! don't worry I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"Thank you Y/N"

Meanwhile, Clementine had just woken up in a panic since you weren't there. She had quickly rushed out the apartment to look for you.

On the bright side, it was fairly easy to find you since the slums are pretty small. While you were talking to Momo Clementine had rushed up behind you and grabbed you, lifting you up into the air and hugging you.

"Y/N I was so scared something happened."

She took you by surprised so much so you couldn't even bring yourself to speak, you just wrapped your arms around her neck and snuggled into her.

A heart appeared on Clementine screen and she held you tighter. "We need to go home."

On the way there you found yourselves both being chased by a ton of Zurks. You fell. You told Clementine to keep running, she trusted you enough to do so.

You tried to run, it hurt to run, you had to though, you needed to live, you needed to live for her.

You were sure at least one of your ribs were broken, blood was rushing from your head down your face. Why did you have to fall. Why did it have to be near something would cause so much pain. Having felt your body slam against the hard floor while the Zurks had started getting too close for comfort was terrifying.

Though, you did manage to make it out. You made it to Antvillage for Clementine to be waiting for you.

Upon seeing Clementine you waved, your other arm across your upper waist, blood dripping down your face.

She rushed towards you and put her hands on your shoulders "Oh Y/N.... I'm so sorry"

You couldn't hear what she said, you collapsed onto the floor, bleeding out rapidly.

"How could you have gotten this hurt? I shouldn't have left you. I'm so sorry my Y/N" Clementine kneeled next to you and held you up.

"Clem... do you have anything I can write with by any chance...?"

Clementine frantically searched her bag on her waist, there was a small tube of orange paint.

"Will this work" clementine handed you the paint as her screen went to a sad face.

"Yeah..." you opened the paint tube and out some on your finger. Weakly trying to hold up clementines hand you smiled.

Clementine noticed this and lifted her hand for you.

"Thank you.." you slowly started writing on her hand with the paint.

Once you were done you looked up and smiled.

It said 'kiss me'

"Can you do that for me Clementine...?" You looked up at her as you wiped some of the blood from your face even though it was no use as it just kept pouring out.

Clementine nodded and leaned towards you, pressing her screen against your face. Her hands wrapped around you in a gentle soft hug.

"I love you my Clementine." You mumbled into the kiss.

"I love you too my sweet Y/N"

"Please don't leave me Y/N... please don't go. Don't leave me." Clementines hug tightened.

"I'm sorry." You whispered as you fell into unconsciousness to never wake again. You were gone.

Clementines face was blank as she held you in her arms. Picking your dead body up, she carried you back to the outskirts of midtown.

Putting your body in a long wooden box, there wasn't anywhere else she could really put you. She opened her bag and pulled out a small pin with a heart and some writing saying 'Me and you forever'

"Y/N I was planning to give this to you when we got home.. but I have to now. It shouldn't have been this way. I'm so sorry." Clementine attached the pin to your clothing. She grabbed a small nearby blanket and place it over you.

"Goodbye my sweet Y/N. I'll always love you." Clementine closed to box and sat next to it.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you.."

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