The Tell

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Jessica was walking down the hallway of Beacon Hills High School, hoping to get a glimpse of Allison's reaction to how she and Lydia decorated her locker for her birthday. The Argent girl had been refusing to tell them so the former-hunter asked Stiles to look it up on his dad's systems. 

Allison was just opening her locker when the balloons burst out. The brunette quickly pushed them back inside, spotting the card the two girls had left for her tucked into the door. Jess was about to walk over when Scott got to her first. She knew that Scott would try to convince her to skip but she was curious to see if the girl actually would so she watched from around the corner. 

She watched Allison agree to Scott's idea before grabbing hands and running out of the doors. She went to turn round when she found Jackson. "Jesus, Jack! You gave me a heart attack!" She shouted, grabbing her chest. He'd usually be laughing at that but he just stared blankly at her. "Jack? Everything okay?"

"Fine." The boy stated. "Can you meet me in the locker room after class?"

"Yeah of course. See you." She responded, watching the boy walk away before heading to her own class.


Jackson was sat on the bench, resting his head in his hands, elbows leaning on his knees when she walked over, placing her bag down gently before sitting next to him. She had heard about how the boy had found one of the alpha's victims before almost getting attacked himself. 

"Jack?" Jess questioned, placing a hand softly on his shoulder. He looked over to her.

"I don't know what it was. I'm so sick of people asking!" He gradually got louder as he spoke, eventually standing up and punching a locker.

"Careful! You're gonna hurt yourself, idiot. Look you don't owe anyone any explanation. You've spoken to the police and it's done with." The brunette said, standing up and walking over to him. He pulled her into a tight hug until they heard someone clearing their throat behind them.

"Derek?" Jess questioned, stepping toward him slightly but he barely registered her. They hadn't spoken since she told him about helping Peter escape.

"Look I don't know where Scott is, man!" Jackson said nervously, backing up into a row of lockers. Jess was so confused. "And.. and.. Jess is right there." 

"Okay someone feel like catching me up here?" Jess said, waving her hand in the air as she had been feeling very forgotten.

"I'm not here for them. I'm here for you." Derek stated, still stepping closer to Jackson and Jess.

"Wh... What? W-W-Why me? I didn't do anything."

"Derek, what the hell is going on?"

"You saw something, didn't you Jackson?"

"N-No... I- I didn't see anything. I swear! I'm not lying!"

"Derek, leave the kid alone or at least ask him in a few days!" Jess shouted, getting annoyed that her boyfriend had been ignoring her.

"You know I can't." He responded, looking at her for the first time since the other night.

Jess sighed before turning round to look at Jackson. "Jack, it's okay. He's not gonna hurt you, I won't let him. Say it one more time for us, slowly."

"I didn't... see anything... I'm not lying."

"One more thing," Derek started, grabbing Jackson's hair so he could turn his head, "you should really get that checked out." With that, Derek walked out. After checking that her friend was okay, Jess followed after him.

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