Wolves of War - Part Two

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Jess, Scott, Malia and Derek were on their way to the high school with the werecoyote on the phone to her father who had just arrived.

"Um there are two... bodies?" Peter stated questioningly. "No blood, no wounds."

The pack exchanged nervous looks and Derek pushed on the gas pedal. "What do they look like?" Malia asked.

"Statues." Answered the wolf. "Greek."

Jess turned round from the passenger seat to look at the phone in Malia's hands. "Peter! Close your eyes! Do it! Close them now!" The werecoyote started to shout only for Peter to hang up. "Derek, drive faster!"

"We're here." The beta wolf said causing them all to jump out of the car and rush inside to find the Greek Statue version of Peter.

"He's not dead. He can't be." Malia stated, shaking her head before looking to Scott.

"He has a heartbeat but it's faint." Derek noticed. Jess grabbed hold of Malia's hand comfortingly. "We're not alone." 

The group share a worried look before something caught Scott's attention and he began examining Peter. "Scott?" Jess questioned.

"I think I know how to catch it." Responded the alpha. "I have to call Stiles." He added before pulling his phone out. 

"Yeah?" Stiles answered.

"Are you still at the armory?" Scott asked.

"We are. Leaving momentarily though." Replied the boy.

"There's something I need you to get first." Instructed Scott before they heard a noise and raced over to hide on the stairs.

They crouched down as two hunters ran past them. They waited until the wolves were out of earshot before speaking. "We can't just hide. Peter's not gonna last long like that." Malia said.

"Well, neither will we if that thing finds us too." Derek stated.

"We've got to wait for Stiles." The alpha ordered.

Malia sighed before looking round. "I'm not waiting here." She spoke before leaping down the stairs. The other three immediately jumped up and followed.

"Malia! Hold on!" Scott called out as he grabbed her wrist before pausing having sensed something. Jess turned her head and spotted Monroe aiming her gun.

"SCOTT!" The witch shouted running towards the boy only for Derek to grab her by the waist and pull her back.

"AH!" The alpha groaned before falling back. 

"Scott?" Malia asked, her voice laced with concern as Jess and Derek rushed over, sitting on either side of the alpha.

"No, I'm okay! Don't let her go!" Commanded Scott. Malia nodded and spun round before flashing her blue eyes and roaring at Monroe then charging at the woman.

Jess and Derek helped Scott to sit up as the witch spotted something in the gunshot wound. "You're not okay, Scottie." She informed him, looking to her husband.

"It's yellow wolfsbane, it's gonna kill you." Explained the beta.

Scott's eyes widened before he questioned, "What?"

"Science lab. Over there." Jess stated as she wrapped one of Scott's arms around her shoulders while Derek done the same with the other arm. 

The couple carried their alpha to the nearby lab and helped him into a seat. "Sit down." Derek ordered, proceeding to rush off and rummage through the cupboards.

"Derek, just go! Help Malia! Please!" Pleaded the alpha. "Jess can heal me, it's fine."

"I'm not worried about her." The green-eyed man stated, still rummaging through the cupboard.

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