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Jess had been trying to avoid Derek as best she could since she returned from France which is how she found herself helping Lydia and Allison getting ready for their double date. 

"It's not a date, Alli, chill." Lydia said to the girl.

"It could be a good way to get your mind off of Scott." Jess suggested as  she went through Allison's wardrobe. "This apartment is amazing, Alli!" 

"Thanks. We didn't really wanna stay in that house after my mom..." The girls nodded understandingly as Jess rubbed her shoulder supportingly. "Are you ever gonna tell us what happened in France? When I came by you barely spoke..."

"What happened?" Lydia asked.

"I promise I'll tell you but I just need to talk to someone else first."

"Are you pregnant?" Lydia questioned, narrowing her eyes slightly. 

"Not answering, Lyds. Right, Alli, try this on." The girl responded while handing an outfit to Allison. The former huntress walked out of the room to change while Jess laid down on the bed with Lydia. 

"Jess, you can tell us. We won't tell anyone."

"Alright fine yes I'm pregnant but I still need to tell Derek. He's just been so stressed lately looking for Erica and Boyd but I called a friend-"

"He loves you. He's gonna be so happy." She assured her friend.

"I just need to figure out how to tell him."

"Wear sexy lingerie." Lydia suggested with a wink before Allison walked back into the room.

"Why's Jess wearing sexy lingerie?" The girl asked, sitting at her desk to put some shoes on.

"I'm not right now." Jess replied as she sat up. "I'm uh... I'm pregnant and I need to figure out how to tell Derek. Lydia was suggesting telling him while I'm wearing sexy lingerie."

"I say go for it but he may be so distracted that you'll have to tell him again the next day.

"You're gonna be late for your dates." Jess pointed out as she grabbed her jacket and walked out.


It was the following day and Jess was laying on the floor of her bathroom after having woken up and immediately needing to throw up. She was just starting to feel normal again when her phone started ringing in her bedroom so she stood up and groggily answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Jess? It's Melissa."

"Oh hi, Melissa, how are you?"

"I have an emergency and no one's answering their phones, do you reckon you could come to the hospital right now?"

"Yeah of course, I'll see you soon." Jess answered as she hung up the phone. She tried to get ready as quickly as possible before rushing to the hospital. 

The witch was running towards the entrance when she bumped into Scott. "Jess, hey! Any idea what this is about?" He asked as they continued rushing inside to find Melissa.

"No clue. Melissa just said there was an emergency."

"Are you okay? You smell a bit odd."

"I was sick earlier but I'm fine now. There's your mom."

"Thank you both for coming! Room 215 if he isn't already in surgery. She's in 216." Jess rushed off while Scott spoke to his mom for a moment longer. She held the elevator for him but just as the door was closing, a blind man came in. 

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