Motel California

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Jess pulled Derek off of the floor and laid him down in the back seat of her car. She took off her leather jacket and put it underneath his head so he'd be a bit more comfortable before hopping into the driver's seat and speeding off towards their loft.

"You're an asshole, you know that, right?" Jess asked him as he stirred slightly.

"I know, beautiful." He muttered. "I'm sorry."

"Just... stay with me, Der. Don't you dare pass out on me again."

"I love you, Jess."

"Don't say that to me right now." She ordered as she pulled into the parking lot of their building. "Alright, come on, I'm gonna need a bit of help getting you up the stairs."

"I can try." He whispered as she helped him out of the car and up all of the stairs.

"Do we even have any medical supplies here, Der?" She asked when they were approaching their door. 

"I don't know, I didn't bring any." He groaned out as he went too fast up one of the steps.

"Great so we don't have anything!" She rolled her eyes and pulled open the door. "Der, stay with me, okay?" She said as she noticed he was starting to stumble. "No! Hale, don't you dare!" Jess shrieked as he started to fall out of her grip and down the stairs in their loft. "Oh for gods sake!" She groaned.


Jess was sat on the bed next to Derek who was laying on the bed. She raised his shirt slightly so that she could check his wounds only for him to groan.

"Sorry! How are you feeling?

"Uncomfortable." Derek answered as he gently took hold of Jess' hand. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, noticing the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"We all thought you were dead..."

"I know. I felt your pain, Jess."

"I love you so much." She replied as the tears started to fall. "Right enough of this emotional stuff, take off your shirt." He raised an eyebrow at her and smirked while she wiped away her tears. "Mind out of the gutter, Hale." Jess jokingly scolded as she helped him take off his shirt. "This doesn't look good..." 

"How bad?"

"You're bleeding black blood." She answered as another tear slid out. It was then that she noticed he had closed his eyes and wasn't breathing. "No, no, no, no, no, no!" She put her head on his chest and grabbed his wrist to check his pulse; she felt and heard his heart beat so she released a deep breath and relaxed. "Stop scaring me, Hale!"


Jess had gone down to her car to get her travel medical kit but had just walked in to see her boyfriend sat on the edge of their bed, trying to stand up.

"You sure you wanna be doing that?" She asked.

"I have to find the others. Like you said you all thought I was dead."

"Only Peter and Cora are in town and I've texted both of them. Peter said he'd let the others know but I don't trust him so I tried calling all of them but it went straight to voicemail every time. I was about to try Danny."

"Do it in a bit, I wanna spend a bit of time with my girlfriend first." He responded as he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him. She stumbled slightly though and ended up having to put one knee in between his legs to catch herself. She laughed as he put his hands on her waist to support her.

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