Lunar Ellipse

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It had been a few hours since Derek had collapsed and Cora had moved him so he'd rest against the window while Peter sat with Jess, attempting to comfort her and move her to the other side of the bed so she could be nearer to her fiancé.

"Did you hear what he said before he passed out?" Peter asked the girl. 

"No..." Jess responded.

"He told you he loves you." 

"He really does, Jess. I've never seen him half as happy as when he's with you, even when you're fighting." Cora commented, turning around slightly to see them. 

"You haven't exactly seen us at our best, have you?" Jess questioned, chuckling slightly as she thought about how their relationship had been lately.

"Not exactly but I did get to see you two happily engaged for a few days." Cora answered, opening a bottle of water for her brother before bringing it to his mouth. She tipped his head back so she could pour some water in his mouth before his eyes opened. 

"You're okay..." Derek breathed out to his sister, relieved that it had worked. 

"I'm doing much better than you are right now! And all because of you." Cora replied, smiling at him. 

"Hopefully not all for nothing." Peter muttered. "The moon is rising, Derek. You drained your battery all the way to the red and there's a fully charged alpha on her way to rip you limb from limb."

"I'll be fine in a few hours." Derek responded before his eyes fell on Jess.

"I sincerely hope so because a few hours is all you have." Peter stated before walking off with Cora trailing behind after squeezing her brother's shoulder reassuringly.

"How are you?"

"I'm healing, slowly but I'm healing." Jess answered. "How are you feeling?" She asked as she reached a hand out while he did the same. 

"A bit weak." He replied as he shuffled to lean on the bed instead. "You know I love you, right?"

"Yeah I do. I love you too, Hale, even if you drive me insane at times."

"You mean all the time." He corrected, chuckling slightly.

"Yeah that's probably more accurate." She laughed before groaning in pain. "Okay, no laughing for a while."

"Right, sorry..." Derek said, still chuckling slightly as he managed to push himself up to sit on the bed. 

"Hey, take it easy." She instructed, giving him a concerned look. "You've just lost a load of power."

"I know but I don't care. We needed to save Cora."

"There's the Derek Hale I met last year, just add a few more scowls to make him sourwolf." Jess smirked. 

"You've even perfected my smirk." Derek commented, smirking back at her as he held her hand.

"The famous Derek Hale smirk? I've perfected it? I've been waiting for this day! Do I get a badge?" She teased causing him to teasingly roll his eyes. "Oh I need to get the eye roll-" He shut her up by leaning in to kiss her. They were interrupted by a knock at the door causing the other Hales to come back downstairs. "What is it?" Jess asked, noticing Derek tense.

"It's one of the twins and Lydia..." Derek responded before leaving her to join the others. Jess, not wanting to seem weak, tried to stand up only to keep giving up when she felt the pain rip through her. She was about to give up altogether when she felt Cora help her up, taking her pain every time it would rip through her. 

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