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"So how is it with you and Derek?" Cora asked as she watched Jess apply her makeup.

"It's good. We still love each other and him kissing Jennifer was part of her powers, so we're just taking things day by day."

"And he's taking you on fancy dates to earn your forgiveness." She teased pointing to the black mini dress that was hung up on the door. "That dress is evil, he's going to love it." She added. 

"That's exactly what Allison and Lydia said!" Jess laughed. "This is our first actual date, you know?"

"Seriously? You've been together for over a year and you're engaged! My brother really needs to step up his game." Cora said before pausing for a moment. "Derek's asking if you're almost ready and if we can stop talking about his trashy game." 

"Be patient, Sourwolf!" She called out. "I just need to get my dress on so we can continue talking about your brother's trashy game until then." Jess smirked before walking into the bathroom to get dressed.

"NO YOU CANNOT!" Derek shouted causing the girls to laugh.

"STOP EAVESDROPPING, HALE!" Jess responded. "Another example of his game, he listens in to figure out how I feel about him."

"Did you really expect anything different?" She asked.

"Not at all." The witch answered before coming out of the bathroom. She grabbed a pair of gold heels and sat on the bed as she put them on while Cora just stared at her open-mouthed. "What? Too much?" Jess questioned panicking.

"No, no, he's just gonna die when he sees you." Cora responded after shaking her head to snap herself out of the daze. Jess just laughed and opened the door to walk out as she ran into Derek. 

"Sorry! Woah... You look..."

"Gonna finish a sentence at any point tonight, Hale? If not I guess I'll have to look for other company..." Jess said, smirking at him. 

"Not a chance." Derek replied before pulling her into a fiery kiss.

"And that's my cue..." Cora muttered before running past them. 

Jess pulled away slightly, smiling at him. "So you like the dress then?" She said leaning back enough in his arms to show him the dress; it had a black lacy top with spaghetti straps and a black silk skirt.

"You look phenomenal." Derek confirmed, placing one last kiss on her lips. "Ready to go?" 

"Yeah let's go." Jess said.


Jess and Derek were sat in a restaurant looking through the menu.

"You do know Spanish, don't you?" Derek asked, realising he didn't actually know. "I can translate-"

"I know bits, don't worry." Jess laughed.

"Oh right you learnt Spanish in school, didn't you?"

"Yeah I did. I think I'm going to go for Salchiparri de Cordero."

"Ooh good choice, I think I'll join you with that." Derek commented. Jess checked her phone for any new messages. "Everything okay?"

"Have you heard from anyone in the pack?" 

"No but they know not to call me." The beta answered. "Have they not texted you?"

"No. I just have a really bad feeling... Sorry that isn't date talk."

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