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Jess was walking down the corridor at school when she noticed Allison talking to Matt about the rave that was in a few days time.

"But hey I got a friend who can hook us up with tickets if you're down. Want me to get you one?" The boy asked; he was so obvious with his crush on Allison. 'Poor kid' Jess thought.

"Yeah. Yeah great." The girl responded, surprising Jess.

"Yeah?" The boy asked, clearly surprised by her response as well. "Alright, cool. Well it's Friday so... looking forward to it."

"Yeah." Allison spoke before the boy walked away. Jess immediately walked over. 

"He's crazy about you, Alli. It's actually kinda cute!" Jess teased.

"Ugh I have no clue what to do, Jess... My mom and Gerard are working here so I can't be seen around Scott and they're starting to get suspicious that I never spend time with guys."

"I'm so sorry it's gotta be that way..." Jess spoke gently as she wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulder as they started walking.

"What do I do?" Allison questioned as she rested her head on Jess' arm.

"I don't know, Sweetie, I'm sorry. Every scenario I think of just turns into a lose-lose situation with someone dead."

"Reckon you could help me with Jackson?"

"Of course. What do you need?"

"We need to find out why he's the kanima." Allison stated as they arrived at the boys' locker room. She pushed the door open and walked in with Jess hot on her heels. "Jackson?"

"Jack?" Jess called out.

"In here." He responded. They followed where his voice came from and headed towards the showers to find him naked.

"Jesus, Jack!" Jess shouted as she turned her back.

"Something wrong?" He asked, clearly amused at the girls' reactions.

"You could've warned us!" Allison pointed out.

"You're the ones walking into the boys locker room." He stated as he walked closer to the girls who still had their backs turned.

"I thought- Forget it..." Allison started before losing the nerve completely to ask him what she needed to.

"Did you wanna talk about something?" He asked as he stood in front of them, completely naked.

"We can talk later." Allison answered nervously. She was about to walk when Jackson slammed his hand against the wall separating her and Jess.

"No. Let's talk now."

"Put some clothes on first, kid, and take a few steps away from her." Jess demanded, earning her a glare from the boy which she gladly returned. She had realised that the kanima was starting to attach itself to the human part of Jackson as soon as he called them over to the showers.

"We have to get to cl-" Allison started. Jess grabbed a towel from the bench and chucked it at the boy's head.

He caught it as he interrupted the Argent. "Oh no you don't. No you have perfect grades you can skip one class."

"Then shouldn't you be getting to class?" Jess questioned.

"Are you okay, Allison? Your heart's beating like crazy." Jackson commented.  "I thought you wanted to talk."

"I-I-I changed my mind." 

"You sure? Because you look a little stressed." 

"Jack, leave her alone." Jess commanded as she grabbed the boy's arm and yanked him towards her. 

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