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Jess was asleep in hers and Derek's bed when the door suddenly opened, waking her up so she grabbed the gun from her bedside drawer and headed towards the door. She took the safety off of her gun as she rounded the corner only to find she had raised her gun to Derek and Peter.

"WOAH!" Derek shouted as the wolves held their hands up in surrender. "JESS, IT'S US!"

"WHY DO YOU HAVE A GUN?!" Peter exclaimed as she lowered her gun and put the safety back on. 

"I'm a former hunter, now witch, living with a werewolf who hunters are constantly chasing. After what just happened with Jennifer and the alphas do you really think I'd go anywhere without a bit of extra protection?" Jess asked. 

"Okay, well your husband has been returned to you in one piece unlike me who has tragically lost a finger. I'm off to my apartment now and will not be returning here until you've worked through whatever issues you have, Jess." Peter said before leaving, closing the door behind him.

"Hey, Beautiful." Derek greeted as he wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her off the ground so she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Sorry about pulling that gun on you." Jess apologised as she buried her head in his neck. 

"I doubt it'll be the last time knowing you." Derek chuckled before leaning away slightly so he could kiss her.


"So what happened with Peter's finger?" Jess asked, playing with Derek's wedding ring as he wrapped his arm around her.

"You're really asking me about my uncle when we're in bed naked?" Derek questioned, chuckling slightly. 

"It was just seeing your hand reminded me!" Jess replied laughing and letting go of Derek's hand slightly.

"Right..." Derek laughed. "Well the Calaveras wanted to know where the la loba was and we wouldn't speak so they thought that cutting Peter's finger off would make us."

"La loba? The she-wolf? Who did they mean?" Jess queried, resting on her elbow so she could see him.

"We assumed Cora."

"Der, Allison thinks she hallucinated seeing Kate... What if she didn't hallucinate?"

"Peter killed Kate." Derek stated while resting a hand on her hip.

"Them doing that insane ritual changed them. What if it's enabled Allison to somehow be able to predict these things... like Lydia."

"I've never heard of anything like that but I guess it's possible since she did die and come back..."

"So what did you need to get from the hunters?" Jess asked, laying back down on her side. 

Derek leaned over the side of the bed and rummaged through his bag before pulling a cylinder box out and put it on the bed between them. Jess grabbed the box and traced the triskele engraved on the lid gently. "Open it." Derek encouraged.

Jess looked at him but he just nodded at her with a small smile on his face. She twisted the lid off and passed it to Derek who traced the pattern as he watched her. "Claws?"

"My mother's." Jess looked at him confused.

"How'd they survive the fire?"

"Well alpha claws are a lot stronger so we assume it's just" He explained leaning back on his pillows to look up at the ceiling. 

"I'm sorry." Jess whispered.

He grabbed her hand and pulled it to his mouth, kissing it gently. "No need to apologise, you didn't do anything." He paused for a minute before speaking again. "You said you heard someone when you saved Peter..." 

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