Riddled - Part One

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"Jess, phone." Derek grumbled as he put a pillow over his face.

"Dammit, what's happened?" Jess groaned as she rolled away from her husband to grab her phone. "Lyds, it's too early for gossip." 

"Could you meet me and Aiden at Stiles' house? Something's wrong..." Lydia asked quietly.

"Uh yeah sure. I'll be there in a few minutes." Jess replied before hanging up and climbing out of her bed to put some clothes on.

"Where are you going?" Derek grumbled. "Come back to bed. It's too early to go out."

"Lydia thinks something's happening and you know how she is with these things." Jess answered while she tied her hair back into a low bun. "I'll call you when I know more and when you're needed." She stated before giving him a quick kiss.

"Be careful or I'm gonna be killing Lydia."

"Remember what happened last time you tried that? Bye!" She called out before closing the door of the loft and rushing down the stairs to her car.


Jess arrived at the Stilinski residence at the same time as Scott and Isaac did.

"Did Lydia call you too?" She queried.

"Lydia's here?" Scott asked.

"I'll take that as a no. What are you two doing here then?" Scott and Isaac looked at each other, debating whether or not to tell her or not. "Uh hello?

"Stiles is missing." Isaac answered after taking a deep breath. Jess' eyes widened in shock before she hit both of them.

"Why the hell didn't either of you call me?!"

"He literally just woke me up to tell me, be thankful he let me put clothes on." Isaac stated.

"Lydia's waiting inside, come on." Jess told the boys before unlocking the door quietly and letting herself in. 

"How do you know how to pick locks?" Isaac asked.

"You're still asking how Jess can do things?" Scott questioned, making Jess chuckle softly as she opened the door to Stiles' room, finding Lydia and Aiden looking at the red string Stiles had placed all over his room. "How did you know? Did he call you too?" 

"I heard it." Lydia answered, looking very nervous.

"Don't ask. It gets more confusing when you ask." Aiden commented.

"Not as confusing as this." Lydia countered, walking back towards all of the string that connected different parts of his room from a pair of scissors stabbed into his mattress. "He uses red for unsolved cases."

"Maybe he thinks he's part of an unsolved case." Aiden suggested.

"Or is an unsolved case." Isaac countered, wanting to beat the former alpha.

"Knock it off." Jess ordered as she examined some of the cases Stiles had connected string to.

"Hold on, is he still out there? You don't know where he is?" Lydia queried, beginning to panic.

"He said he was in an industrial basement somewhere." Scott responded.

"We came here to get a better scent." His beta added, watching Jess to see what she was doing.

"What else did he say?" The banshee asked.

"Something's wrong with his leg, it's bleeding." The alpha replied.

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