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Jess woke up the following day with Derek sat at the bed once again.

"Did you manage to get any sleep?" She asked as she crawled over to him and placed a hand gently on his shoulder. He only shook his head in response. "Der-"

"Jess, I don't wanna talk about it."

"I was gonna ask what you wanted for breakfast."

"Not hungry." He stated, still not looking up from his hands.

"Right... Well I'm gonna cook some food." She responded as she got out of her bed. "Do you wanna keep me company?" Jess questioned as she stopped at the door and turned round. He just shook his head once more so she went down to the kitchen and made his favourite; knowing he'd join her once he smelt it.

Derek didn't move an inch for a while; he just kept reliving the past few days. It felt like things were just getting worse and that this was only the tip of the ice berg. When he smelt the bacon he went downstairs to his fiancée just as she was serving. 

"You knew I'd come down?" He questioned as he sat down in front of the plate.

"Of course. You can't resist bacon, Hale." She replied while smirking slightly. 

"Thanks for this."

"You don't need to thank me. I'm here for you." 

He smiled at her slightly before they fell into a silence.


"Fancy going for a run?" Jess asked Derek who was now sat in the lounge reading a book. She had tied her hair up and put her running clothes on but sat down on the couch as she put her running shoes on.

"Jess, wait."


"What's with you and the alpha pack? I've been waiting for you to tell me but-"

"Der, it's not important." Jess interrupted as she tied her laces. 

"Don't go shutting down on me. Please." He said tiredly as he placed a hand over hers. She squeezed her eyes shut before opening them slowly.

"I don't wanna talk about it." The witch snapped before sighing. "I'm gonna go running." 

"I'll come with you." Derek replied before walking off to get changed. Jess brought her knees up to her chin and remembered the day her parents died and the warning she received. She was so deep in thought that she didn't hear Derek calling her name until he touched her shoulder. "Jess! Are you okay?"

She blinked through her tears before muttering, "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine."

"No you're not, what's wrong?" He questioned. "Please talk to me."

"I don't wanna talk, Derek. Please just leave it alone, okay? This is the one of the only topics that's off-limits. Let's just go running."


The couple barely spoke for the rest of the day so when it got to when they were going to sleep, Jess felt uncomfortable sharing a bed with him. She laid there wide awake for a while before sighing, grabbing her pillows and a blanket and heading out to the couch. The witch was just settling down when Derek crouched on the floor in front of her.

"You take the bed." 

"I'm here now, Der. Just go to sleep." Jess said before rolling over to turn away from him.

"Please, Jess, just take the bed. It's yours." He insisted. 

"The alphas killed my parents." She whispered, trying to fight back the tears. 

"Oh my god..."

"They killed them right in front of me, they thought that they had killed me too... They found out a few months afterwards that they hadn't succeeded and sent me a threat. They killed a load of girls my age that looked like me and smeared the blood of the victims into letters that spelled out my name... It pushed me to become a hunter."

"Hunt or be hunted..." Derek muttered. "I'm so sorry."

"No I'm sorry I should've warned you about what they're capable of sooner. Maybe Boyd-"

"Stop. You are not going to hold yourself responsible for Boyd's death. It was my claws that killed him." The alpha stated.

Jess immediately rolled over to face him at that and sat up. "No, you didn't kill him. Ethan, Aiden and Kali did."

"And me." Derek whispered, trying to blink back the tears himself now. Jess fell to the floor in front of him and pulled him into her arms.

"You didn't kill him, Derek Hale. Don't ever put that on you." Jess replied as she kissed his head. He just shook his head as the tears streamed down his face. 

"I killed our baby, Jess. I killed our baby, I killed Boyd, I killed Paige, I killed Erica."

"Stop. Kali killed Erica, I don't know how Paige is, Boyd wasn't your fault and you didn't kill our baby."

"Paige was the first girl I ever loved. She was into music, I was into basketball, I loved to annoy her, she secretly loved me annoying her... I really thought she was it for me."

"What happened?" She asked, not loosening her grip on the man.

"I talked to Peter and decided to get someone to turn her. Loads of different packs were in town to visit my mother and all the alphas wanted to get in with her so I knew they'd agree. Ennis had just lost a pack member and so I asked him. The bite didn't work, she just started bleeding black blood so I took her to that root cellar in the woods so we could hide..."

"It's okay..." Jess whispered, knowing what he was about to say so she kissed his head again.

"She was in so much pain and I could only take so much... She asked me to kill her and so I did."

"Der, you killed her so she wouldn't be in pain anymore; it was a mercy kill." 

"I still killed her. It still changed my eyes. Honestly you should just go, Jess. You've not got a chance if you're with me."

"I'm not leaving. Paige was a mercy kill, Boyd wasn't your fault, Kali killed Erica and you didn't kill our baby." She insisted.

"Jess, I felt the pain you were in. I should've forced you to stop-"

"Okay, no. You told me to go home, Scott told me to go home, Isaac and Argent told me to go. I stayed so it's on me, not you. Besides, you forcing me wouldn't have worked because we were both needed."

"Come back to bed?"

"Yeah it's getting a bit cold in here but we're talking more in the morning, Hale." 

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