The Girl Who Knew Too Much

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"Jess, you wouldn't happen to be back in Beacon Hills, would you?" Argent asked as soon as the girl answered her phone.

"No I'm not but I can come back, I'm only on the outskirts of town." She answered while glancing at Derek and mouthing an apology.

"Perfect. A teacher was taken from the school today and I think I know where they're going to be killed do you think you could meet me there?"

"Yeah of course, I'm on my way." Jess responded before hanging up.

"You and Argent are tracking the killer?" Derek asked.

"We need to figure out who it is and stop the killings. I'll be back soon, okay?" She said as she placed a hang on his cheek.

"No it's fine, it's time to go back."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah... I just need a bit more time so I'll get our stuff all packed up and tidy up a bit. Go stop the killer." He replied, kissing her gently before she ran out. 


She pulled up outside of the electric substation Argent had texted her about and rushed in, not noticing Allison and Isaac sat in a parked car watching her in shock. 

Jess ran in and Argent grabbed hold of her, covering her mouth so she wouldn't alert the darach. "Hey, it's me." Argent whispered. 

The witch then relaxed before hearing Isaac call out, "Allison, wait! Allison, don't!" before seeing the girl rush past with Isaac following closely behind. 

"GET DOWN!" Argent and Jess shouted to the teenagers before firing their guns at the darach however it managed to escape before they got into the room. Chris kept firing at it, convinced he saw it but Jess couldn't. "Help him!" He ordered.

Jess rushed over to the man and started untangling him from the chains while Allison and Isaac rushed over to help her.

"That's Mr. Westover..." Allison stated once Chris stopped shooting.

"Our history teacher." Isaac added.

"We were wrong." Allison commented, earning a confused look from her father and Jess. "It's not guardians as in law enforcement..."

"It's philosophers, as in teachers." Jess explained.

"I'm gonna call Scott." Isaac said before walking away with Allison following while Jess and Argent started picking up all of the shells that had fallen to the floor. 

"So you and Jess have been tracking the killer together this entire time?!" Allison questioned her father when she and Isaac walked back over.

"Yeah and we were this close." Chris snapped. "We could've caught him if the two of you-"

"So it's my fault that you've been lying to me the past two months?" Allison responded. Jess continued picking up the shells while Isaac stood next to Allison awkwardly. 

"You wanna tally up the lies, Allison? I don't think you're gonna come out ahead on that one." Argent replied as he stood up.

"Hey, just a thought?" Isaac interrupted. "Maybe right now, isn't the best time for a little family meeting. There's still one more teacher." Jess chucked one of the shells at him so it hit his head but didn't injure him.

"The recital..." Argent realised.

"Guess we're going after all." Allison muttered. They all started walking off and piling into their cars when Isaac pulled Jess aside.

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