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*let's go crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun, I know we only met but lets...*

Ugh. I snatched up my phone to silence it. Its a little embarrassing when you are 20 and still boyband obsessed to the point of making them your ringtone. Especially when you are in the middle of a gym with a bunch of sweaty dudes. Lovely.

I feel myself blush from the looks I'm getting as I place my phone back down on the floor next to my water bottle. I decide to ignore the judging glares and continue my stretching.

After I manage a few toe touches and and stretching my arms across my chest, I feel a tap on my shoulder making me jump.

"Are you ready for our session?" The offending tapper asked. I turn and see its George, my first client of the day. In case you haven't guessed already, I am a personal trainer. And a masseuse. Woman of many talents you could say.....not.

"Of course! Ready to begin?" I ask George, shooting him a smile. He nods and I lead him over to the first machine of the day.

An hour later I bid George farewell and head to the stationary bikes to kill time waiting for my next client. This will be the first time I have had a new client in months and that makes me nervous. I always get judged instantly firstly because I'm a woman and secondly because I'm fairly tiny. I mean I'm five foot six inches tall but over all I am pretty small, not what you expect from a physical trainer I guess.

The phone call that arranged this next appointment was rather odd, too. I hadn't placed an ad for my services in a long time so getting the call was a bit shocking. The man on the phone had a British accent and he was very insistant that he see me today. I know I probably shouldn't have agreed now looking back but its too late. I glance up at the clock, he should be here in a few minutes. Still pedalling away on the bike, I slip my earbuds in and start my favorite playlist: One Direction.

A few songs go by until a short somewhat stout man walks up to me and stands in front of my bike. Pulling my earbuds out I smile at him politely, ignoring the burn in my chest from the cardio.

"You must be Mark, I'm Daisy, your trainer for today," I manage confidently, extending my hand out to shake his.

"Yup, thats me, are we all set Daisy?" He asked, shaking my hand firmly. He has a strong grip, its a lil intimidating.

"I'm ready if you are," I grin as I climb off the bike. I grab my water bottle and my phone and start towards the stretching area with Mark following behind. "Let's get you warmed up a bit first then we will move on to weights and cardio."

"Sounds like a good plan to me, love" he says through a grin.

I start guiding him through a few basic stretches which he completes effortlessly.

"So are you here in Atlanta on vacation?" I ask, more than a little curious as to why a British man would suddenly want an appointment with little to no warning. Him being on vacation seemed the most likely to me.

"Work actually, we're only here for a few more days then on to our next locale," he replies, stretching his hamstrings. When he is done we head towards the free weights and lifting benches. He lays down on one as I load weights onto the bar.

"So, what do you do if you don't mind me asking?"

"Same thing as you actually," he smiles brightly at me. What?

"Really? So what are you doing here with me then?" I ask, shock and confusion clear in my voice. "I mean, no offense, but why would you need to see a personal trainer if you know what to do already?"

He seems to think over his answer before replying while he effortlessly lifts the weight bar up and down a few reps.

"I have a proposition for you actually, but I think we should discuss it after the session," he finally says between grunts.

I nod in reply and continue spotting for him. We finish up the session after more strength training and a bit of cardio. I wait for him to bring up the proposition he mentioned earlier, I can't help but be intrigued.

"Would you like to go get some coffee and we can discuss things there? I saw a shop next door," he says as he wipes the sweat from his brow, finally bringing it back up.

"Sure, just let me go grab the rest of my things," I quickly make my way to the locker room to get my stuff. I put on a bit more deodorant and some body spray before shoving my things into my purse and heading out to meet Mark. Hopefully this is a good idea, I am a little bit worried about going anywhere with him but he seems nice enough.

"I have been researching you and getting refrences from all of your clients and I must say I am impressed. Thus I have a proposal but it depends on the answer to this next question," Mark says once we are both seated with our coffees. I take a tentative sip awaiting what he will ask. "Are you willing to relocate to London and travel? You'd still be doing exactly what you do now, but you would be my assistant. I am a trainer for.....five boys," he says with a cough. I feel like he was about to say something else and changed his mind. How odd.

"Well depending upon pay, I wouldn't mind,"I reply. Its true, I wouldn't mind moving or travelling and the one time I went to London I fell in love with the city, I have always wanted to see the world, maybe this is my chance assuming this guy is legit. A giant grin creeps up on his face, he kind of looks more like a teddy bear rather than the intimidating man I thought him to be.

"Perfect," he reaches into his bag and pulls our a stack of papers and plops them down in front of me. Holy fuck that's a lot of paperwork.

Okay sooooo hi!

I know not a lot happened in this chapter but don't worry, just didn't want plot moving too fast :)

Please bear with me!

Changing this to right be right as WWA tour started so I have plenty of room for sequels :)

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