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Okay so I am imagine Lucy Hale as Daisy but with auburn/red hair.....NOT MELON FFS >.< LOL

After arriving in Columbia, we quickly made our way to the hotel to meet up with the rest of the boys and tour staff.

I'm supposed to have a workout session with Niall and Harry soon. Well I guess for Niall it will be more of a physical therapy because of his knee. After the way he has acted towards me I was excited about working his ass out hard in the gym but I have to go easy on the lil shit. At least I get to make Harry sweat.....

Right now I am in my room trying to make sense of my poorly organized suitcase. I'm not even going to bother putting anything in the closet or drawers in the room since we won't be here very long and apparently I have a room mate. I haven't got to meet her yet but all her shit is on the bed closest to the window.

Might as well get ready for "work". I slip out of my clothes and grab out my standard workout gear: sports bra, tank top, shorts, and running shoes. After tugging on my clothes, I grab my phone and room key and head on down to the gym we passed on our way into the hotel earlier. We had to come in through the back so I got a pretty good look at where I was going to be spending my time.

The hallways and lobby look deserted. Security must have cleared out all of the fans that were trying to see the boys earlier. I still haven't seen all of them but I really think I might faint when that happens. Must not fangirl in front of them.

Finally I reach the gym and it is empty too. This feels weird. I'm used to working in a loud and crowded gym. Eh this will work out better, and no one will "accidentally" grab my ass. That happens way too much back home.

I put my stuff down on the floor over by the mirror and start my usual stretches. I lean over, touching my toes when I hear someone clearing their throat behind me, startling me.

"Why hello there, we didn't get to meet properly earlier. I'm Harry," the interupter says with a cheeky dimple bearing grin. Oh my god those dimples. Not to mention those piercing green eyes. My jaw must have dropped of its own accord so I snap it shut, trying to act nonchalant. He seems amused at reaction to him.

"I'm Daisy, Mark's new assistant," I reach my hand out to shake his but instead he pulls me into a hug. He smells so good.

"Sorry, I am more of a hugger," he says when he releases me. "So what's the plan for today?"

"I believe Mark only wants you boys working on cardio today. Over all it should be an easy day for ya," I reply with a smirk.

He was just about to say something when a very disgruntled Niall walked into the gym.

"Let's get this started, I have plans," he announced, looking at me expectantly.

What is his problem? He always seems so sweet in interviews and fans videos.

I get them both started on stretching when Mark came to check on them. He didn't stay for long, just long enough to tell them both to behave and do what I asked. I swear these boys are like children in some ways. After an hour of rotating them through various cardio workouts, our time came to an end. It makes me a little sad, I was enjoying being able to stare at these two boys glistening with sweat.

"Niall, make sure you ice your knee when you get back to your room," I mentioned as he headed for the door.

"You are not my mother." He didn't even turn around or look at me when he replied, sounding annoyed. I feel the urge to slap him.

Once he is gone, Harry gives me an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that, he hasn't been in a very good mood since his surgery. Blames it on the pain. I'll have a talk with him though, he really shouldn't be rude to such a beautiful girl," he adds with a wink. Oh my god. Did my heart just stop?

"No no, that's fine. Umm....you guys did good today. I guess I will see you tomorrow?" I can feel the blush burning my cheeks. He called me beautiful. How am I still standing?

"That's the plan. See you around, Daisy," he waves as he leaves the gym. I lean back against the wall and slide to the floor. My legs feel like jelly. This is only my first day and I am sure this job will be the death of me.

Not too sure how I feel about this chapter, what do you guys think? :/

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