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Between the steam and the way Harry's naked body was pressed to mine, I was struggling to breath. This is all too much. How did I get this lucky to be in this very situation, well, aside from being fucked over by Niall.

"Go on then, prove it to me," I smirk up at Harry who was intently studying my face, probably trying to see if I really want this or not given how the state he saw me in earlier. I don't want this, I need this. After what happened with Niall I need to feel wanted.

Harry wastes no time wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He grasps my chin between his fore finger and thumb, gently angling my head back, and places his lips over mine in the sweetest way. This is kiss is so different. I can feel a tingling in my lips from the contact.

Slowly, the kiss deepens. Next thing I know, I am pressed up against the shower wall, my legs wrapped around his waist, my fingers tangled in his now damp curls.

"You are so beautiful, Daisy. It me so much to see you upset," he whispered, his mouth against mine.

"Shut up and fuck me."

I tug harshly on his curls only to earn a deep throaty moan from him.

"Gladly," he smirks as he pulls back, adjusting himself so that he could slide into me more easily.

Slowly, he sank into me, the filling feeling made my eyes flutter shut and my toes curl. Is this real? Am I actually being fucked against a shower wall by Harry Styles?!

With my head tipped back, Harry took full advantage and mercilessly attacked my neck with his mouth, surely leaving love bites but I can't bring myself to care right now. He is pulling in and out so slowly, it's torture. I dig my heels into his perfect bum trying to spur him to go a little faster.

He seems to have gotten the message as he begins to really move inside me. His pace quickly becoming relentless. I know I won't be able to hold out for very long. I pry my eyes open only to be met by his sparkling green ones, lustfully staring straight into mine. This all I could ever ask for. I feel so wanted, so needed right now. Watching Harry come undone to my body is a wondrous thing to behold.

The look in his eyes is what finally pushed me over the edge, filling the air with my moans and Harry's name over and over again as I reached my high clenching around him. That must have been enough for him as well because suddenly I felt him twitch inside of me and a spreading warmth.

He slowly lifted me off of him and placed my feet back on the tiled floor of the steamy shower, his cum seeping out of me and running down my legs.

"C'mon my dirty girl, now we really need to shower before we head to he gym," he smirks at me.


I feel absolutely horrible. What I did was despicable. I wouldn't be surprised if Daisy hates me now.

Why did I have to get drunk and put myself in this situation? I should have stayed away. I told myself I would.

I have been wandering aimlessly through the hotel for the past hour, trying to make sense of what I want to do and what I need to do.

As much as I want to see where things go with Daisy, I know I shouldn't. If the fans find out about her they will be ruthless. Especially if they find her Playboy spread. Oh my god. It would ruin her if they found that. See, this is why I can't let anything else happen between us.

I look up, I'm in some hallway, God knows what floor I'm on. A door down a ways opens and Lou, our hair dresser, comes out.

"Oh, hey Niall! I was just coming up to find you boys and maybe re-dye your hair if you've got time."

"That'd be great but I think Harry, Louis, and I have a session with Mark in a bit. maybe after?"

"Yeah sure thing," she smiles at me, closing her door.

Suddenly the door across from hers opens and out comes none other than the very girl I have been trying to avoid: Daisy.

I open my mouth, about to apologize or say hi, not too sure which yet when I snap it shut. Harry has appeared behind Daisy. Why are they hanging out?


They both have wet hair. I'm going to kill him.


Hi!!!! Ok so I'm gonna try to update this more often so I can really get this storyline going !!! Please vote and comment, I know it may not seem like much but it makes me feel so good knowing people are actually reading this even though it's trash. Thank you !!!!

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