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I've been sitting here on my couch for hours trying to make sense of all the legal jargon in this paperwork. If I'm just a personal trainer why do I need this long of a contract?

Damn. They even included a non disclosure agreement. Who the eff will I be training? I have just about chewed through my cheek just out of sheer anxiety. I really want to agree to this but these papers in front of me are quite scary.

I need reinforcements because I am losing my mind trying to read all this. I only have two more hours to either accept or deny Mark's offer. I grab my phone and quickly call my best friend Katie.

Ring ring ring "You have reached the voice mail box of..."

Well shit. Looks like I am on my own. I might as well do a bit of research online, it couldn't hurt. I pull my laptop off the coffee table and onto my lap switching it on. After it boots up I type "Mark Jarvis" into the search engine. Holy. Shit.


My time is up in 20 minutes and I am still in shock. I cannot believe who Mark works for. Who I might work for. This can't be real. But it is. I saw pictures of the very same man I met today with them.

Am I in heaven? *pinches arm*


What am I going to do? How could I be their trainer? I'd be staring at their perfect butts the whole time. Fuck me.

My phone ringing pulls me from my inappropriate thoughts. I glance at the screen. Its Mark. What am I going to tell him? I decide to answer before I think too much about it.


"Ahh yes hello Daisy, its Mark from earlier. I was just wondering if you have gotten a chance to read over what I gave you?"

I clear my throat, trying to find my voice to answer him.

"Uhh yeah I just finished actually," I manage to croak out. I can hear Mark's laughter booming through the phone.

"You looked me up didn't you?" He asks gleefully.

"Guilty," I mumble.

"Well what do you say? You are more than qualified and I know the boys would be happy to have another trainer besides me whipping them into shape. Are you in?"

"Yes," I answer before I even realize what has come out of my mouth. What have I done?

"Brilliant! I will send a messenger to come by and collect the signed contracts in an hour. You need to be ready to board the plane Thursday morning at 8am. Will that be a problem?"

"No. I can do that. I just have a few loose ends to tie up and pack."

"Great! A driver is already arranged to pick you up for the flight, see you Thursday!" And with that he hangs up.

I am still in a state of shock. I have 3 days to pack and say goodbye to Atlanta, my friends and my family. This is going to be hard. But something tells me it will be worth it.

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