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After all of the stressing and packing I did yesterday over knowing who I will be working for, I decided to use today to visit a few of my favorite places in the city. Tomorrow I need to go to my mom's out in Savannah to explain about my new job. I don't think she will be too happy with me for taking a job that will rarely allow me to come home. Good thing she doesn't get a say.

I only have today and tomorrow to say goodbye to my normal life before boarding a flight to Columbia in South America. I still can't believe I am really doing this.

I finally get up out of bed to get ready for my day of sight seeing around Atlanta. Judging by the tour schedule, I won't be back here til late September.

I make my way to the bathroom and quickly shower and wash my hair. I blow dry my auburn loks and pull them up into a high ponytail so they won't be in the way today. Next I head to my room to get dressed (outfit in pic)

I grab my phone and my keys and head out the door of my apartment, locking it behind me. I'm going to miss having my own place but at least my friend Pamela agreed to move in and take over on my lease.

I make it out onto the sidewalk outside and head towards the aquarium and The World Of Coca Cola. Its a beautiful day already and it just adds to my excitement.


After wandering around the aquarium for a couple hours I finally find my favorite exhibit: the penguins. They are so adorable! I snap a ton of pictures of them on my phone, making sure I changed my wallpaper to a pic of the penguins rather than of Niall Horan. I am a bit obsessed with him. No way in hell will I let him known that though. That would be so embarrassing.

I finally head towards the exit and walk to Coke Word next door. Mostly I just wanted to visit the room where they let you sample their drinks from around the world. Its crazy to think I will be going to some of the places they have drinks from. I have to reign myself in before I squeel from sheer delight.

I skip all the exhibits and head for the tasting room. I sampled so many different drinks that I feel like I'm going to be sick.

I slowly wander towards the exit seeing the sun setting through the windows, wondering where my last day in Atlanta had gone. My friends wanted to go out tonight to celebrate but I turned them down. I want to spend my last night alone in my apartment, just me and my Chinese take out.

*** (the next morning)

I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing next to my head, I guess I forgot to put it on the nightstand last night. Oops. I glance at the caller ID: Mom.

"Hi mom," I manage groggily.

"Daisy why are you still in bed? It's already 7:00 am. You are still coming today arent you? Did you forget it takes three and a half hours to get here?" My mom puts FBI investigators to shame with her interrogation skills.

"Mom I have plenty of time to drive out there. We will still be able to go to the beach and everything else you wanted to do," I mumble into the phone, rubbing my eyes to clear the sleep.

"Not if you don't hurry, Daisy-bear," she cooed back at me, using my childhood nickname. "Now get up and get dressed. I don't want to lose anymore of what little time I get with you before you jet off to god knows where."

"Fine. I'm getting up, bye mom." I say, hanging up. I roll out of bed an decide to just get dressed. No point in showering if I'm just going to be swimming in the Atlantic later.

After I am ready to go, I grab all of my luggage and start taking it down to my car. My mom insisted on being the one to take me to the airport tomorrow rather than having the driver Mark was sending take me. She wanted me to stay the night in Savannah with her and so I obliged. Also i get to leave my car at her house for while I'm gone. I am going to miss being able to see her as often as I have been.

After I'm done loading everything in the car I take one last good look around. I'm going to miss this tiny apartment but seeing the world is something I just can't pass up.

I get into my car and fire it up. Its still only 7:45 am so the drove shouldn't be too bad. I roll down my windows and crank up my stereo as I pull out of the parking lot.

*Straight off the plane to a new hotel...*

Hi! OK so changed my mind again, this is all happening during the wwa tour :D

Also yay or nay on doing polyvore outfits for each chapter?

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