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I pull into my moms drive way at half past eleven. I think I made pretty good time and I am just in time for lunch. YES! I get grouchy when I don't eat. Its not pretty.

I get out and grab my bags out of the trunk and take them inside one by one. I bend down and touch my toes trying to stretch out my back after that long car ride and lugging those heavy cases. Just as I am doubled over, I see two feet come up behind me.

"Really Daisy? Do you have to practice your kama sutra in my living room? Mr. Johansen from next door is staring," my mom announces causing me to snap back up right.

I glance at the glass door behind me and sure enough the pervy old dude is giving me a thumbs up. Oh my god. Kill me now. I flip him the bird and go to close the blinds on the door.

"I was only stretching," I mumble, knowing my face is beet red.

"Sure you were honey, and I am the queen of England," my mom adds with a sarcastic wink. Why am I related to this woman? "I know my lil Daisy is no saint, remember when I came across your spread in-"

"MOM! You promised never to bring those pictures up again. I only did it to pay for school, not because I wanted to." I cannot believe I am having this conversation with my mom again. She will never let me forget that I did nude modeling to pay for whatcny scholarships didn't cover. I never expected anyone I knew to see them, let alone my own mother. I wish I had never done them but if I hadn't then I wouldn't be about to go on tour with One Direction. Everything has a price I guess.

"Oh honey, if I looked half as good as you do, I'd move to a nudist colony," my mom says casually as she strolls into the kitchen to get us ice tea."Any who! You never did tell me exactly why you will be trapsing all over the globe doing god knows what."

"I'm going to be a personal trainer. Well, an assistant personal trainer. But the pay is amazing and I get to see the world. Honestly I feel like I am getting a better deal than the boys are."

"Boys? What boys?" Oh shit. My moms eyebrow sky rockets. I know that looks. She won't let this drop until I tell her. Well, I guess I should just tell her and let her get her laughter and teasing out now rather than at the airport tomorrow in case she spots one of them.

"Ummm do you remember the band that I had posters for plastered all over my wall?"

"The ones you used to kiss goodnight? Yes, I remember those hoodlums."

"Well that's who I am working for. Please don't call them hoodlums. And never bring up the kissing again, jeeze mom," I groan. Her face erupts into an ear splitting grin and then the laughter starts.


The Atlantic feels cool on my toes. It is such a beautiful April day. I got lucky since its my last day here for a while. I scan my eyes over the horizon, watching the occasional sail boat and dolphin. I will miss this. Tybee island has always been my favorite beach. I wonder what places I will get to see? Sighing to myself, I turn around to head back to my towel.

My mom is sunbathing and reading the latest Nicholas Sparks novel, lounging in her folding chaise she brought with her. I slip my shorts on over my swim suit and pull my tank top back on without her even looking up once.

"Mom? I'm gonna go walk around a bit. I'll see you back at the house later, okay?"

"Sure sure honey, now go away. My books getting good," she says not tearing her eyes away from her romance novel. I chuckle and roll my eyes. My mother, everyone.

I grab my bag and wander on up the sand back towards a bus stop to go back into town. My mom drove and I can't very well take her car and leave her stranded. Well I could but I don't think I'd have a ride to the airport tomorrow if I did. Darn. I barely make it to the bus stop before one pulls up. I get on, swiping my pass, and find a seat.


The bus ride was short thank goodness. I got off just in front of my most favorite shop in all of Savannah. Its this little hole in the wall candy store that makes the most amazing salt water taffy. They pull it right in front of you so tourists can watch. I am mesmerized watching the worker pulling what looks and smells like banana taffy. Finally my stomach gets the best of me and I head to the store part. I quickly grab a bag and beginning filling it with various flavors.

Before I know it I have 4 bags full of salt water taffy in my arms. I decided to stock up to take with me. After making my purchases I head out to find a bench and watch the street performers. The ones right here are pretty spectacular. My favorite is the man painted silver that acts like a robot. He loves interacting with tourists, especially children. Watching him brings back so many great memories from my childhood. He has been doing this a long time. I pull out my phone to check the time. Shit. I need to get home. I didn't even realize how low the sun had sunk.


Walking in my moms house after the 3 block trek from the bus stop is refreshing. Her AC feels so good after the hot muggy Georgia air.


"In here honey," she calls from the kitchen. I follow her voice and see her making chicken fried steak. So glad she is making comfort food. Another thing to add to growing list of things I will miss.

"Smells good," I say as I take a seat at her small table in the eat in kitchen.

"Well it should, I made it, of course it smells wonderful. Will taste that way, too," she Sasses me. Guess I get my attitude from her. Who knew, ha.


After dinner and cleaning up, I finally get to shower and get to bed. Today has been exhausting I know tomorrow won't be much better. My skin is still hot and sticky when I turn in for the night so I decide to sleep in just my underwear. This is the best way to sleep. Well. Aside from being completely nude but I don't want to do that in mothers house. I feel like I am being strangles if I sleep fully clothed in PJs and what not.

I slip under my covers of my twin size bed and nestle in. The light of the moon through my blinds is just enough to allow me to memorize my room.
Even though I moves out as soon as I turned 18, this room still feels more like home than my apartment did. Its small with pale turquoise walls. I took down all the posters long ago but you can still see where they were from the sun faded frame they left behind. My dresser is small and lined with trophies and clutter on top. My closet is empty aside from my prom dresses and graduation cap and gown. Other than that my room is empty.

I don't remember when I drifted off, but I was suddenly gazing into gorgeous ocean blue eyes...

Hi! So I don't have an update schedule, I'm just trying to get the story rolling before I make one.

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