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Niall POV

We have been on this god forsaken plane for a while now and I've already eaten all of my good snacks. Shit.

I have nothing to do now so I've just been listening to music in my headphones staring out the window. I glance around the cabin, Daisy has curled up into her seat fast asleep. That cannot be comfortable. Oh well, not my body.

Why was she being so rude earlier? I know I wasn't exactly pleasant but at least I have an excuse. My knee is killing me. I reach down adjusting the ice pack that is resting over my left knee. Recovering from surgery is a bitch.

She should be grateful I got her this job. Oh. Wait. She doesn't know she was hired because of me. Well shit. I'm not gonna tell her either. It'd be way too awkward explaining that I saw her spread in an old edition of Playboy. God she has an amazing body. Oh what I could do it......wait....no Niall. You can't touch her. She is an employee now. Shit. I sabotaged myself.

I remember when the issue with her in it came out and I stared so longingly at her. Eventually I read the little interview that was next to her pics. I don't think anyone ever really reads those. She seemed pretty cool. She explained how she was going to go to school for physical therapy or some shit. I may or may not have done some more research on her.....

When Mark brought up hiring an assistant for the tour I may have slipped her information into the mix. I also may have changed the other applicants contact info. Oops. I just had to make sure she was the one.

I yank my headphones off, signing loudly. I run my fingers through my hair, trying to shake this anxious feeling I've had all day. Why am I being like this?


What was that?my head snapped up, looking around the cabin. Everyone is still asleep.

"Ohhhhh Niall,"

Oh my god. Daisy is moaning in her sleep. She sounds angry. Why does she sound angry? How long have I been missing this? Stupid headphones. I watch her, she is squirming around in her seat, still out like a light.

Why did she moan my name? Is she dreaming about kicking my ass? I bet she could do it. There is practically no fat on that girl's body. She's all toned muscle and damn does it look good.

I can't tear my eyes away from her. She keeps stirring. Oh shit. Her eyes just flew open and I am staring at her. I quickly whip my head back and grab some random magazine off the little table in front of me. This is going to be a long flight.

Daisy's POV

My dream had picked up where it left off this morning. Why does my brain have to do this to me? I quickly sit up straight in my seat, glancing around to make sure no one saw the mini panic attack I am having. I cannot believe I just had another dirty dream about Niall while he is less then ten feet from me. Can I crawl in a hole and die now? I hope I wasn't moaning again. Oh god.

Harry and Mark are still sleeping thank goodness. They both look like cuddly teddy bears, snoozing away. Niall how ever still looks like he has a boot up his ass. What's his problem?

I take a moment to study him since he is focused on a magazine at the moment. It looks like one of those SkyMall ones. I love those. He looks so much more handsome in person compared to the pics I see of him on twitter..... Oh no.

I hear the small gasp come put of my mouth before I can stop it. Niall looked over at me briefly with an annoyed/confused look on his face. Geeze, why does he hate me already?

They can never know about the fact that I run a fan account. I would die from embarrassment if Niall saw that his name is in my Twitter handle. And in my display name. And my icon. I did not think this through. I have even spammed him for a follow for years. Mental note: go delete any and all selfies on my account. They can never know about that account.


After sitting there stressing for a while and eating a pretty good sandwich, I decided to sleep again. We should be landing in Bogotá soon and then my real work begins.

I may add to this chapter later. I just wrote this in the car riding to Stillwater and back :D

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